Chang'ombe Demonstration English Medium Pre-School

Chang’ombe Demonstration English Medium Pre-school is among of the three demonstration schools owned by DUCE. The school operates under the Faculty of Education since 2005.
In the year 2024, the school accommodated 110 students as shown here below;
Class Blue
Boys 12
Girls 18
Total 30
Class Green
Boys 23
Girls 20
Total 43
Class Yellow
Boys 18
Girls 19
Total 37
Total: 110
About the School:
The school has three classes, which are Green, Yellow and Blue. The Green and Yellow classes comprise of children aged six years. These children stay at school for one year. The Blue class is for children who are five years old. These stay at school for two years.
In order to be enrolled, a child has to do a simple interview. Children who are at the age of six years do a reading and writing interview while those who are at the age of five years do an oral interview.
Organization Structure of the School and Human Resource
At the top of the school’s organization structure, there is a head of school who has the overall responsibility of managing the school. Below her in the hierarchy, there is an assistant head of school followed by an academic teacher. Then, there are teachers and non-teaching staff members.