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Prof. Noah M. Pauline

Noah Makula Pauline

Institute of Resource Assessment


Prof. Pauline, an Associate Professor at the University of Dar es Salaam, Institute of Resources Assessment (IRA), is a renowned Environmental and climate change Scientist with a PhD in Geography, specializing in Climate Change Action. With over 17 years of experience in consulting and research in eastern and southern African Countries, his areas of interest in research and Consultancy are institutional and regulatory framework analysis of Environmental Assessments, Climate Change Adaptation/Mitigation, Climate Finance and Carbon Trade. His influence in the field is further demonstrated by his role as a consultant and reviewer for multiple environmental assessment and climate change projects. This role has allowed him to contribute significantly to the advancement of environmental policy and regulations. The breadth of his expertise and experience is well aligned with Technical Service Areas of Climate Action, Carbon Trade and Climate Finance, and Environmental Assessment – he has extensively worked with government, private sector and UN agencies (UNEP, UNCDF and FAO) in the areas of Climate Change Governance, Carbon Trade, vulnerability assessments, climate finance, adaptation and climate mitigation, across sectors and governance levels.

Research Interest

Climate change Governance, Climate Action, Carbon Trade, Climate Finance, Environmental Assessments




Team Leader: Exploring the Role of Governance Frameworks in Fostering Climate Change Adaptation in Zanzibar: The study aims to determine if governance frameworks are adequate for implementing climate change adaptation strategies, using Zanzibar as a case study. It also seeks to define adaptation generally and within Zanzibar's context and aims to improve understanding of how governance frameworks can promote climate change adaptation strategies.
Team Leader: Unlocking Carbon Trading in Tanzania: Policy Options to Leverage its Potential. The study highlights and analyses the opportunities and existing challenges in Tanzania's carbon trading sector, providing actionable insights and policy recommendations to enhance the country's participation in global carbon markets. I led a team that conducted regulatory and institutional framework analysis to identify gaps and possible policy recommendations to enhance the carbon trade business in Tanzania

Team Leader: Preparing Background Studies for developing a Full GCF Funding Proposal (Baseline Study, Vulnerability Assessment, Feasibility Study, Gender Analysis and Economic and Financial Analysis Reports) for Kagera and Geita regions: The study provided baseline contexts of the project areas, institutional analysis, stakeholders mapping, and baseline of weather infrastructure. The baseline also highlighted sectoral performance in the project sites, including Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices, resource dynamics and drivers of change, livelihood dynamics and drivers of change, gender analysis, and economic analysis of farm enterprises. I led the team and worked on policy and institutional analysis in the agriculture and livestock sectors.

Team Member: A scoping study of Zanzibar Island LoCAL for UNCDF funding: Conducting a comprehensive scoping assessment to inform the design and implementation of LoCAL for Zanzibar for the establishment of LoCAL Performance-Based Grant System in Zanzibar, considering the experiences and lessons learned in the country and by LoCAL overall at the various stages of the process (i.e. assessments and planning; climate risk and vulnerability assessments, financing and budgeting; implementation of adaptation measures; performance assessments and reporting). I lead the policy and institutional framework analysis for Zanzibar’s adaptation to climate change, particularly in the agriculture, fishing and livestock sectors.

Team Leader: Governing Adaptation Finance for Transformation (GAP): Tanzania and Kenya. Overall objective is to improve the understanding of the governance of adaptation finance with the aim to enhance the transparency, effectiveness and transformative character of climate change adaptation. The project mapped the flow of financial resources allocated from donors and central governments to implementing institutions for climate change adaptation in Kenya and Tanzania. Exploring the influence of the socio-political context surrounding the flow of adaptation funds in Kenya and Tanzania. My specific role in the project is capacity building on the regulatory and institutional frameworks governing climate finance to climate-sensitive sectors of the economy, including agriculture and livestock.


Shimba, H.A., Pauline, N.M. and Luhende, B. (2024). Towards developing a national climate change framework in Tanzania: Evidence from taxing energy sources to enhance use of renewable energies as a mitigation policy. Energy and Climate Change, Volume 5,

Pauline, N.M. (2024). The Status of Strategic Environmental Assessment in Tanzania. The African Review (2024) 1–27. doi:10.1163/1821889X-bja10121

Pauline, N.M. and Lema, G.A. (2024). Consideration of Climate Change on Environmental Impact Assessment in Tanzania: Challenges and Prospects. Environmental Management.

Batenga, M., Pauline, N.M., Liwenga, E.T. Mbande, V. (2023). Changing livelihoods in the context of multiple stressors and implications for adaptation in the Kilombero Valley of Tanzania. Environ Dev Sustain.

Rweyendela, A.G., Pauline, N.M. and Lema, G.A. (2023), "Exploring alternatives for a low-carbon future: cases of strategic environmental assessment from Tanzania", Technological Sustainability, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Pauline, N.M. (2023). Factors Influencing Farmers’ Choices of Responses to Climatic Stressors in Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology 42(1): 184-197

Pauline, N.M., Mbande, V., and Börjeson L. (2023). The scaling down of SAGCOT Public Private Partnerships: from large scale blueprint ideals to small scale pragmatism. The African Review Journal, 1-25

Rweyendela, A.G., Pauline, N.M. & Lema, G.A. (2023). Strategic environmental assessment for low-carbon development: A case study of oil and gas planning in Tanzania. Environmental Development 45 (2023) 100829. /

Rweyendela, A.G., Pauline, N.M. & Lema, G.A. (2023): Strategic Environmental Assessment for Low-Carbon Development: A Review and Research Agenda. Environmental Assessment Policy and Management,

Rweyendela, A.G., Pauline, N.M. & Lema, G.A. (2022): Integrating low-carbon development issues into strategic environmental assessment: insights from Tanzania. Climate and Development,

Rogers, P.M, Yanda, P.Z, Pauline, N.M., Haikola, S., Hansson, A. and Fridahl, M. (2022). Effects of Biochar on Soil Fertility and Crop Yields: Experience from the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science 48(2): 256-267

Rweyendela, A.G., Pauline, N.M. & Lema, G.A. (2022): Strategic environmental assessment for low-carbon development: developing an analysis framework, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2022.2074825

Kulanga, S. G & Pauline, N. M. (2022). The Role of Agricultural Social Enterprise to Smallholder Farmers’ Adaptive Capacity to Climatic Stresses in
Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science, 48(1), 109–123.

Rubekie, A.P., Pauline, N.M., Kaaya, L.T. (2022): Coastal communities’ responses to climate change and variability impacts: a threat to coastal and marine resources?, Climate and Development, DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2021.2018984

Rogers, P.M., Fridahl, M., Yanda, P., Hansson, A., Pauline, N., Haikola, S. (2022) Socio-Economic Determinants for Biochar Deployment in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Energies, 15, 144.

Maliki, M.A., Pauline, N.M. (2022). Living and Responding to Climatic Stresses: Perspectives from Smallholder Farmers in Hanang’ District, Tanzania. Environmental Management,

Shaban, Y. and Pauline, N.M. (2022). Perceived Effective Adaptation Strategies against Climate Change Impacts: Perspectives of Maize Growers in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Environmental Management,

Sumari, B. K., Pauline, N., & Bwanduruko Mabhuye, E. (2024). Integrating Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches in Tanzania’s Climate Change Adaptation Planning: Exploring Their Impact on Adaptive Capacity in Adaptation Projects. The Journal of Development Studies, 1–18.