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Fieldwork at the Manyara Beds

Mariam Joseph Bundala

College of Humanities

Archaeology and Heritage Studies



Mariam Bundala is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. She is an archaeologist who specializes in phytolith analysis. She is a co-author of 4 peer-reviewed publications. Mariam has 13 years of experience doing archaeological research in Tanzania and 10 years of undergraduate teaching in class and field schools. Her Ph.D. research focuses on developing detailed habitat reconstruction for hominins living during the early Middle Pleistocene (780-633 thousand years ago.

Research Interest

Paleoanthropology, paleoecology, African traditional knowledge of plants, Human Origins Program in education and outreach




The Manyara Beds at Makuyuni Arusha region, Northern Tanzania


Ranhorn, K and Bundala, M. (2023). Tanzanian women in archaeology. In Lopez Varela, S.L (Ed). Women in Archaeology: Advancing Knowledge and Human Understanding Worldwide. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 


<> Mercader, J., Clarke, S., Bundala,., Fravreau, J., Inwood, J., Itambu, M., Later, F., Lee, P., Lewiski-McQuaid, G., Mollel, N., Mwambwiga, A., Patalano, R., Soto, M., Tucker, L., Walde, D. (2019). Soil and plant phytoliths from the Acacia-Commiphora mosaics at Oldupai Gorge (Tanzania). PeerJ, 7, e8211.

Mercader, J., Abtosway, M., Bird, R., Bundala, M., Fravreau, J, Inwood, J., Itambu, M., Later, F., Lee, P., Patalano, R., Soto, M., Tucker, L., Walde, D. (2018). Morphometrics of Starch Granules from Sub-Saharan Plants and the Identification of Ancient Starch. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6(146):1-34.<p>
   Mercader, J., Akeju, T., Brown, M., <strong>Bundala, M</strong>., Collons, J.M., Copeland, L.,&nbsp; Crowther, A., Dunfield, P., Henry, A., Inwood, J.,&nbsp;Itambu, M.,&nbsp; Kim, J., Larter, S., Longo, L.,&nbsp; Oldenburg, T., Patalano, R., Smmynaiken, R.,&nbsp; Soto, M.,&nbsp; Tyler, R., and Xhauflair, H. (2018). Exaggerated expectations in ancient starch research and the need for new taphonomic and authenticity criteria. Facets, 3 (1),777-795.