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Abubakary Salama

School of Mines and Geosciences

Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering


Dr. Salama hold PhD in Mining Engineering from Lulea University of Technology, Sweden, MSc in Mining Engineering from Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Mines De Paris, France, and BSc in Mining Engineering from University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Dr. Salama has more than 17 years’ experience  in Mining Engineering specialized in mine planning, design, and optimization of mining systems. Dr. Salama expertise focus on Feasibility studies, numerical modelling of hard and soft rock masses, Waste Rock Dump and Tailings’ Storage facility design, mine closure plan, ground deformation and open pit slope stability, and Cost management for Mining systems. Has experience in using various mining, geotechnical, and cost software such as Geovia Surpac, Datamine, Rocscience, and standardized reclamation cost estimator. Dr.Salama has previously work with various mining companies in Tanzania and Sweden. From 2014 to 2016, Dr.Salama was an interim Manager of the I2 mine project funded by EU under 7th Framework program in Collaboration with Kiruna Underground mine and Lulea University of Technology, Sweden, in analysing the performance of the mining methods with respect to safety, productivity and environmental, and thereafter develop innovative technology to be used when mines operating at great depth.He is also a senior lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam, and doing research collaborations with Lulea University of Technology, Sweden and Queensland University, Australia. Dr Salama is registered with Tanzania Engineers Registration Board (ERB) as professional mining engineer, and with Ministry of water as Approved Professional Person (APP).

Research Interest

  1. mine planning, design, and optimization of mining systems
  2. Rock mechanics
  3. Cost management for Mining systems
  4. Mine closure plan
  5. mineral finance  




  1. Development of innovative mining methods and processes for deep steeply dipping deposits. Completed in 2018.
  2. Analysis of the sustainable closure options for refractory Kukuluma and Matandani pits lakes (Completed in 2021)
  3. Evaluation and identification of acid rock drainage water management options for kukuluma and matandani pits at Geita Gold Mine. (Completed in 2021)
  4. Analysis of the open pit slope stability at Williamson Diamond Mine (completed in 2022)
  5. Establishment of mine closure plan for underground openings, waste rock dump, and TSF facilities at Rutongo mine in Rwanda.
  6. preparation of mine closure plan for Minjingu fertilizers (completed in 2023)
  7. geotechnical investigation of the proposed construction of new TSF at Williamson Diamond mine (Completed in 2024)
  8. The joint studies between Buzwagi Gold Mine and University of Dar es Saalam on geochemistry, pit walls stability, and pit lake behavior  (on going)


  1. Salama, A., and Greberg, J. (2012). Optimization of Truck-Loader haulage system in an underground mine: A simulation approach using SimMine. In the proceedings of the 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Mass Mining, Sudbury, ON, Canada, 10-14, June.
  2. Skawina, B.Greberg, J.Salama, A.&Schunnesson, H.2014, Mechanical excavation and drilling and blasting: a comparison using discrete event simulation, Mine Planning and Equipment Selection: Proceedings of the 22nd MPES Conference, Dresden, Germany, 14th – 19th October 2013.Drebenstedt, C. & Singhal, R. (red.). Springer-Verlag GmbH, Vol. 1, s. 367-37811 s.
  3. Skawina, B., Greberg, J., Salama, A.,&Schunnesson, H. Production rate comparison using different Load-Haul-Dump fleet configurations: Case study from Kiirunavaara Mine, Paper presented at Mine Planning and Equipment Selection: Proceedings of the 22rd MPES Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa in November 2015.
  4. Skawina Bartlomiej, Greberg Jenny, Salama Abubakary, and NovikovEvgeny. Evaluation of near to face sorting plant in an underground mine: A case study from Kristineberg mine. In: 2016 SME Annual Conference and Expo: The Future for Mining in a Data-Driven World, Phoenix, United States, 21 - 24 February 2016, New York: Society for Mining, Metalurgy and Exploration, 2016, 379-383 p.
  5. Skawina, Bartlomiej, Greberg, Jenny, Jonsson, Kristina, and Salama, Abubakary.Ore pass loss mitigation approach in Malmberget mine. In: Seventh International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining: (MassMin 2016), Sydney: The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy , 2016, 617-622 p.
  6. Salama, A., Greberg, J., and Schunnesson, H. (2014). The use of discrete event simulation for underground haulage mining equipment selection, International Journal of Mining andMineral Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, 256–271.
  7. Salama, A., Nehring, M. and Greberg, J. (2014). Operating value optimisation using simulation and mixed integer programming, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, Vol. 28, No. 1, 25-46.
  8. Salama, A., Nehring, M., and Greberg, J. (2015). Evaluation of the impact of commodity price change on the mine plan of underground mining, International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 3, 375-382.
  9. Salama, A., Greberg, J., Skawina, B., and Gustafson, A. (2015). Analysis of energy consumption and gas emission for loading equipment in underground mining. Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum (CIM Journal), Vol. 6, No. 4, pages 179-188.
  10. Greberg, Jenny, Abubakary Salama, Anna Gustafson, and Bartłomiej Skawina. "Alternative Process Flow for Underground Mining Operations: Analysis of Conceptual Transport Methods Using Discrete Event Simulation." Minerals 6, no. 3 (2016): 65.
  11. Salama, A., M. Nehring, and J. Greberg. "Financial analysis of the impact of increasing mining rate in underground mining, using simulation and mixed integer programming." Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 117.4 (2017): 365-372.
  12. Skawina, B., Greberg, J., Salama, A., and Gustafson, A. (2018). The effects of ore pass loss on loading and hauling operations when mining deeper in Malmberget. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 118(4),409-418.
  13. Ishimwe, J. C., Salama, A., & Sichone, K. (2023, February). Investigation of Heavy Metal Levels in Tin Mine Wastes and the Implication to Mine Closure Plan: A Case Study of Rutongo Mine, Rwanda. In TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (pp. 209-221). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  14. Salama, A., & Nehring, M. (2024). Sensitivity analysis to evaluate haulage systems selection for underground mines using discrete event simulation and mixed integer programming. Ghana Mining Journal, 24(1), 121-132.
  15. Kileo, A. A., Salama, A., Chuma, F., & Pantaleo, P. (2025). Evaluation of Radioactivity Concentration and Radiological Impact for a Closed Open Pit Gold Mine. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 13(1), e2548-e2548.
  16. Skawina, B., Salama, A., & Greberg, J. (2019). Simulating the effect of LHD operations on production rates and ventilation costs in a sublevel cave underground mine. CIM Journal, 10(3).
  17. Skawina, B. and Salama, A., 2021. Analyzing the electricity consumption and costs of electrical-powered machines when there is orepass failure in underground mine. Tanzania Journal of Science, 47(1), pp.180-193.
  18. Greberg, J., & Salama, A. (2020). Analysis of the Current Challenges for Deep Underground Mines: Labour Productivity Improvement. Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology, 39(1).
  19. Skawina, B., Salama, A., Gunillasson, J., Strömsten, M., & Wettainen, T. (2022). Comparison of productivity when running filled, near-empty, or flow-through orepass using discrete event simulation. Mining, 2(2), 186-196.
  20. Salama, A., & Skawina, B. (2023). Selection of Discrete Event Simulation Software for Simulating Mining Operations. Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology, 42(2), 10-26.