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Miriam Kasebele

Miriam Kasebele

Institute of Resource Assessment


Miriam Kasebele is an Assistant Lecturer at the Institute of Resource Assessment (IRA) at the University of Dar es Salaam, with a with a Master of Science in Natural Resources Assessment and Management. She is currently finalizing her PhD at the University of Giessen in Germany with a focus of flow of reactive nitrogen in small holder agricultural systems having impacts on both soil, air and water bodies. She has extensive field research experience both in surveys and physical data collection and analyses.   

Research Interest

Water and nutrient related research;

Great research interest in nitrogen leaching in different land use systems preferably small holder agriculture.

Utilizing the benefits of AI in  soil nitrogen mapping for better nutrient budgeting in small holder agricultural systems.




Understanding Nitrogen (as agricultural pollutant) fluxes in Mau catchment as a response to land use and land use change as part of the bigger project 'The water towers of East Africa'.



Miriam Kasebele and William JS Mwegoha (2013) Atmospheric pollution from the major mobile telecommunication companies in Tanzania. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 17:203-223 DOI: 10.4314/jasem.v17i2.5 

Miriam Kasebele and Amos Majule (2016) The impact of forest zoning on carbon stock content in dry miombo woodlands potential for REDD+ in Tanzania: A case of Mgori forest, Singida Region. Journal of Natural and Earth´s Sciences