Nuru Benjamin Komba joined the UDSoL in 2019 as a Tutorial Assistant. She now holds a position of an Assistant Lecturer. She holds an LL.B (2nd Class, Hons) and an LL.M (1st Class, Hons) both from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Currently, she is pursuing her doctorate studies at the University. Apart from being an academician, Nuru is also an Advocate of the High Court and courts subordinate thereto, thus a member of the Tanganyika Law Society (TLS).
Nuru finds her interests more in Intellectual Property Law, Contract Law and Tax Law.
Chimanda, L. J & Komba, N., "The Exercise of Discretionary Power by District Commissioners in Tanzania: The Paradigm of the Power to Arrest", 46 (1) Eastern African Law Review, 20219.
Komba, N. & Mairo, C., "Patent Protection and Public Health Promotion in Tanzania", 47 (2) Eastern Africa Law Review, 2020.