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Enock William Nshama

Enock William Nshama

College of Engineering and Technology

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


The staff member is a holder of a Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering and registered graduate electromechanical engineer. The doctoral thesis was titled “Multi-Objective Optimization Approach to Energy-Saving Motion Trajectory Generation with High-Speed and High-Accuracy for Industrial Feed Drive Systems”. He is currently a lecturer in the mechanical and industrial engineering department at the College of Engineering and Technology, University of Dar es Salaam. His research experience includes work in the fields of multi-objective optimization and control engineering in the manufacturing industry. Other academic experience includes lecturing undergraduate and postgraduate courses in mechanical and production engineering and departmental coordination of postgraduate studies. The candidate has a demonstrated history of working in the electromechanical/mechatronics, energy and education management industries He is skilled in Skilled in AutoCAD, Solidworks, CircuitMaker, MATLAB®, Energy Engineering, Control Systems and CNC Programming.

Research Interest

  • System Optimization,
  • Control Systems,
  • Industrial Automation,
  • Robotics,
  • Mechatronics,
  • Machine Learning,
  • Vibration Analysis and Control.




Title: Industrial Crane Design and Control

Client: Kobelco Construction Machinery Advanced Crane Laboratory.

Role: Post-doctoral Researcher

Software/Technologies Used: MATLAB ®, Arduino, PASS-SBOXⅡ-LV, Motive Software

Duration: August 2024 to date


  • Development of new industrial crane control systems for improving tracking and safety performances.

Title: Study on a Self-Driving Vehicle

Client: Musashi Seimitsu Industry Co., Ltd.

Role: Research Assistant

Software/Technologies Used: MATLAB ®, MS Visual Studio C++, CircuitMaker, Arduino

Duration: April 2019 to September 2021


  • Developed a time-optimal global trajectory generating algorithm using MATLAB®. The algorithm was then implemented on an self-driving vehicle (SDV) using MS Visual Studio C++.
  • Developed logic circuit boards for sending motion commands from the main computer to driving and steering motors using CircuitMaker.
  • Reconfigured the driving and steering motors using MS Visual Studio C++ and Arduino, respectively.
  • Designed and wired an SDV emergency circuit with remote stop switching capabilities.

Title: Design of Warehouse floor layout

Client: Songas Limited-Ubungo Power Plant

Role: Technical intern

Software/Technologies Used: AutoCAD

Duration: January 2015 to March 2015.

Contribution: Using AutoCAD, design concepts and embodiments of the warehouse floor plan were developed.

Title: Design and Installation of a Heating Subsystem for a Gas Turbine Compressor Wash Water System

Client: Songas Limited-Ubungo Power Plant

Role: Technical intern

Software/Technologies Used: AutoCAD

Duration: November 2014 to December 2014.


  • Risk assessment of water heater project excavation
  • Design and preparation of isometric drawing of the water heating subsystem piping using AutoCAD.
  • Design and fabrication of the heating subsystem control panel.
  • Development of wiring diagrams of power and control circuits for the heating subsystem.
  • Mounting of electrical components on the water heater panel.


Kasilima, J., Nshama, E.W. and Ayeng'o, S.P., 2024. An Optimization Tool for a Standalone Photovoltaic System. Tanzania Journal of Engineering & Technology, 43(1).

Halinga, M.S., Nshama, E.W., Schäfle, T.R. and Uchiyama, N., 2023. Time and energy optimal trajectory generation for coverage motion in industrial machines. ISA transactions, 138, pp.735-745.

Nshama, E.W. and Uchiyama, N., 2021. Pareto Optimization of Cycle Time and Motion Accuracy in Trajectory Planning for Industrial Feed Drive Systems. IEEE Access, 9, pp.114104-114119.

Paing, M. S., Nshama, E. W., and Uchiyama, N. 2021. A kinematically constrained reparameterization approach to optimal time and jerk motion of industrial machines. IEEE Access, 9, 97843-97854.

Nshama, E.W., Msukwa, M.R. and Uchiyama, N., 2021. A trade-off between energy saving and cycle time reduction by Pareto optimal corner smoothing in industrial feed drive systems. IEEE Access, 9, pp.23579-23594.

Paing, M.S., Nshama, E.W. and Uchiyama, N., 2020, August. Motion trajectory estimation of a flying object and optimal reduced impact catching by a planar manipulator. In 2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) (pp. 920-925). IEEE.

Nshama, E.W., Msukwa, M.R. and Uchiyama, N., 2019, July. Pareto Optimization of Energy and Tolerance in Motion Trajectory Generation for Industrial Feed Drive Systems. In 2019 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 842-847). IEEE.

Nshama, E.W. and Uchiyama, N., 2018, June. Time and energy optimal trajectory generation in feed drive systems using kinematic corner smoothing with interrupted acceleration. In 2018 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) (pp. 102-107). IEEE.