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University of Dar es Salaam Business School



Evelyn Mweta Richard is currently a Senior Lecturer who has been a Faculty member at the University of Dar es Salaam Business School of the University of Dar es Salaam since September 2000.  She holds a PhD (Business Administration) from the University of Dar es Salaam-Tanzania; a Licentiate of Philosophy-Business Administration from Umeå School of Business – Sweden; an MBA-Finance from Makerere University – Uganda and a B.Com-Accounting (Hons) from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Dr. Evelyn’s core competencies are in finance and business management. She teaches and supervises postgraduate (PG) & undergraduate (UG) programmes. Evelyn has been the Head of the Department of Finance, UDBS, for six years. Before holding the Headship position, Dr. Evelyn was the Manager responsible for Planning, Finance, and Investment for the School (UDBS), a position she held for almost 10 years. During that time, she successfully participated in among other things, developing and managing donor-funded projects like Business Sector Programme Support (BSPS) III (supported by DANIDA) and Tanzania Agricultural Investment Mapping (TAN-AIM supported by BMGF).  Dr. Evelyn is a researcher, consultant, seasoned trainer, and facilitator in her area of expertise. Her most interesting areas are entrepreneurship, risk management, project management, governance, strategic and financial planning and M & E.   Dr. Evelyn has also been of service in reviewing articles considered for publication in journals including Journal of African Business (JAB), Institute of Tax Administration Journal and Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research published by Emerald.  She also sits on different boards of Directors.

Research Interest

  • Risk Management in both SMEs and Corporates
  • Corporate Governance
  • SMEs and Family Business Governance
  • Gender Issues in Business
  • Financial Planning in both SMEs and Corporates
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Project Management




  1. Mapping of Agricultural Investments in Tanzania - TAN-AIM – Phase I (supported by/Funder BMGF)
  2. Mapping of Agricultural Investments in Tanzania - TAN-AIM – Phase II (supported by/Funder BMGF)
  3. Business Sector Programme Support (BSPS) III (supported by/Funder DANIDA)
  4. ERASMUS+ Phase II (2021 – 2027). Supported by/Funder EU


  1. Member of the 1st Winner UDBS Research Group During 2017 UDSM Research Week [Winning Project – TAN-AIM Phase II]
  2. Member of the 1st Winner UDBS Research Group During 2015 UDSM Research Week [Winning Project – TAN-AIM – Phase I]
  3. Member of the 2nd Winner UDBS Research Group During 2015 UDSM Research Week [Winning Project – BSPS III  Component B: Sub-Component B.2]


  1. Mori, N; Shauri, L. & Richard, E (2024). Determinants of Loan Repayment Behavior of Tanzanian Microfinance Borrowers. Journal of African Business (Online),
  2. Richard, E & William, P (2022). Risk Management in Upstream Oil & Gas Businesses in Tanzania. BMR Journal Vol. 25 (1) Link:
  3. Mori, N. & Richard, E (2019). Board Gender Diversity: Challenges and Implications for Corporations in the East African Community. Journal of African Business, DOI: 10.1080/15228916.2019.1597324
  4. Mori, N., Swai, M & Richard, E (2019). Demographic Characteristics of Credit Officers and Risk Management in MFIs in Tanzania. Enterprise Development and Microfinance Journal, 30:1, 1–14,
  5. Richard, E & Kabala, B (2018). Account Receivable Management Practices of SMEs in Tanzania: A Qualitative Approach BMR Journal Vol. 22 (2). Link:
  6. Richard, E & Mori, N (2018). The Effect of Debtors on Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises. ORSEA Journal Vol 8 (1).
  7. Chalu, H., Ngohelo, A and Richard, E., (2017). Determinants of Capital Structure of Oil and Gas Companies in Tanzania. Special BMR Journal
  8. Richard, E & Mandari, E (2017). Factors Influencing Usage of Mobile Banking Services: The Case of Ilala District in Tanzania. ORSEA Journal Vol 7 (1) pp. 42-54
  9. Richard, E., Philemon, R. R. M., Masoud, M., Severine, K., & Nchimbi, M (2013). UDBS Academic Programmes and Employment Status of Its Alumni: A Tracer Study Report. Dar es Salaam Business University Press
  10. Richard, E & Mori, N (2012). SMEs Access to Financial Services: Bankers’ Eye. Chinese Business Review, Vol. 11 (2)
  11. Richard, E (2011). Factors that Cause Non-Performing Loans in Commercial Banks in Tanzania and Strategies to Resolve Them. Journal of Management Policy and Practice.  Vol. 12 (7) pp. 50 - 58
  12. Richard, E., Mori, N., Isaack, A., & Olomi, D. (2009). Access to Finance for SMEs in Tanzania. In D. Olomi (Ed.), African Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development: Context and Process (Vol.1). Dar es Salaam: Otme Company Ltd.
  13. Richard, E.M; Chijoriga, M.M; Kaijage, E.S; Peterson, C and Bohman, H (2008). “Credit Risk Management System of a Commercial Bank in Tanzania” Emerald International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 3 pp. 1746 – 8809
  14. Richard, E.M (2006). “Credit Risk Management Policy and Strategies: A Case of a Commercial Bank in Tanzania.”  Umea School of Business

Working Paper

  1. Swai, T. A & Richard, E. M (2020). Bankers’ Perception on the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in the Banking Sector. Center for Banking & Financial Services Research WP 01/2020