Dr. Augustina Clara Alexander is a registered (PEng) Civil and Water Resources Engineer with about 15 years’ experience in teaching, consultancy and research. Dr. Augustina has majored in hydrology and hydrogeology; and conducted various studies on impacts of landuse/cover and climate change on water resources.Her research works have been recognized and published in international peer reviewed journals as well as presented in National and International conferences.
Dr. Augustina is an active member to a number of professional organizations and serves on different National and International committees. She is a member of Institute of Engineers - Tanzania, a member of Africa Groundwater Network (AGW-NET), a member of Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme Tanzania National Committee (IHP-Tanzania NC), Executive committee member - OWSD Tanzania Chapter, Deputy Regional Coordinator of FRIEND, Co-coordinator of the 23- UPH (Unsolved Problems in Hydrology) in Africa and Co-ordinator of WaterNet Regional Programme- Tanzania. Currently she is a board member of Tanzania Engineers Registration Board (ERB) and Chairperson of the Professional Conduct and Ethics Committee. She was announced as the 2024 OWSD- Elsevier Foundation Awards winner for the early carer scientist in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.
Dr. Augustina is dedicated to mentorship and empowering of young generation toward STEM related field from low level of education. She has actively been involved in initiatives aimed at improving access to quality STEM education, reducing barriers and promoting equity in STEM fields through outreach activities, inspirational talks and guidance to early-career individuals.
Her current research interest is on transdisciplinary approach in water resources management, groundwater-surface water interaction, groundwater regime in mining areas as well as pollution monitoring and control.
Dr. Augustina is current working in various north-south collaborative research projects including RESBEN: “Unlocking Resilient Benefits from African Water Resources’’ a project funded by UKRI-GCRF and implemented by the consortium of partner institutions, nine (8) from Africa and two (2) from the United Kingdom;
Co- PI for SUSTAIN: “Sustainable Sanitation in Theory and Action”, collaborative research between University of Dar es Salaam and Lund University in Sweden
PI - A multidisciplinary research project entitled BRrIAC: “Building River Resilience through Integrated Approach under Climate Change’’ for River Msimbazi - Dar es Salaam.
Co-PI for Sustainable Water and Sanitation for All (SUWASAN) Sub-programme aiming to co-create water and sanitation solutions in a rapidly changing environment through enhancing the training and research capacity implemented in collaboration with KTH and Stockholms University
1. Kashaija NT, Gável V, Iklaga G, Alexander A, Gergely K, Mireisz T, Szabó C, Szabó-Krausz Z, Vargha M, Tóth E. Biodeterioration Study of Cementitious Materials During Sewage Treatment Processes. Water. 2025; 17(3):459. https://doi.org/10.3390/w17030459 2. Ramadhani Twaha, Joel Nobert, Augustina C. Alexander, Deogratias M.M. Mulungu and · Mathew Senga (2024) Delineating groundwater potential zones with GIS and analytic hierarchy process techniques: the case of Great Ruaha River catchment, Tanzania. Hydrogeology Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-024-02769-z 3. Alexander, AC and Ndambuki, JM (2023). Impact of mine closure on groundwater resource: Experience from Westrand Basin-South Africa. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 103432 4. Gift Raphael Mollel, Deogratias M. M. Mulungu, Joel Nobert and Augustina C. Alexander (2023) Assessment of climate change impacts on hydrological processes in the Usangu catchment of Tanzania under CMIP6 scenarios. Journal of Water and Climate Change (1) doi: 10.2166/wcc.2023.542 5. Musa W. Lowot, Augustina C. Alexander and Deogratias M.M. Mulungu (2023) Assessment of Spatial Variability of Groundwater Levels in Moroto District, Uganda. Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology 42(2):1-9 6. Adonia J. Mgina and Augustina C. Alexander (2023) Assessment of Spatial Variability of Groundwater Potential using Remote Sensing and GIS-based-Criteria Evaluation for Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Tanz. J. Engrg. Technol., Vol. 42 (3). https://doi.org/10.52339/tjet.v42i3.955 7. Mwingira, Catherine and Alexander, Augustina (2022) Efficacy Assessment of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems in treating Faecal Sludge within Dar es Salaam City International Journal of Scientific Advances 3 (5), 782 -788 8. Lowot, MW and Alexander, AC (2022) Spatial Analysis of Groundwater Potential: A first hand Approach towards Groundwater Development in Moroto District, Uganda. Tanzania Journal of Science 48 (4), 962-972 9. Izdori, F. Alexander, AC. Mulungu, DMM. and Mugisha, L. (2022) Assessing Morphological Changes of the Msimbazi River Using Satellite Images, Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology 41 (4) 10. Alexander AC, and Ndambuki JM, (2021): Optimal design of groundwater pollution management systems for a decanting contaminated site: A simulation-optimization approach Groundwater for Sustainable Development 15, 100664; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsd.2021.100664 11. Cedrick, MM, Alexander, A. Nobert, J and Mbudi CNUD (2021) Modeling groundwater flow under chaotic urbanization constraints in Kinshasa Capital Region (DR Congo) Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C,
12. Alexander AC, Ndambuki J, Salim R. and Manda A (2018): Groundwater remediation optimization using Solving Constraint Integer Program (SCIP). Groundwater for Sustainable Development 7, 176–184
13. Alexander AC, (2018): Development of a linked Simulation-Optimization Model of Groundwater Pollution Monitoring for Mining Areas: A case of Upper Crocodile River Catchment. PhD Thesis, Published by Tshwane University of Technology
14. Alexander AC, Ndambuki J, Salim R. and Manda A (2017): Assessment of Spatial Variation of Groundwater Quality in a Mining Basin. Journal of Sustainability 9, 823; doi:10.3390/su9050823:
15. Gyamfi, C., Ndambuki, J., Diabene, P., Kifanyi, G. Alexander, A. and Githuku, C. (2016): Using GIS for spatial exploratory analysis of borehole data: a firsthand approach towards groundwater development. Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana), 36, 38–48.