I am a senior lecturer of sedimentary geology at the Department of Geosciences. I completed my undergraduate degree program at this University (University of Dar es Salaam) in 2007, and was subsequently recruited as an academic member in the then Department of Geology in 2008, as a Tutorial Assistant. I pursued my Master of Science degree between 2008 and 2010 at the University of Dar es Salaam, and PhD (Geology) at the James Cook University in Australia from 2012 to 2016. My PhD research focused on Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, and Petroleum Geology (https://researchonline.jcu.edu.au/48569) on the Late Cenozoic strata in the Rukwa Rift Basin, Southwestern Tanzania. My PhD and subsequent research involve geologic mapping, sedimentary facies analysis, sedimentary petrology, lithostratigraphy, and sequence stratigraphy in reconstructing: depositional environments; sedimentary provenance; basin evolution, and prospecting for mineral, water, and hydrocarbons. Currently, I also collaborate with paleontologists and paleoanthropologists to provide geologic context to the flora and fauna preserved within sedimentary basins in Tanzania. As a result of these researches, I have published several articles in reputable Journals as a solo or co-author (Researcher IDs: orcid.org/0000-0002-4573-7909, Scopus Author ID: 57190027018).
Collaborative Research Projects:
The Rukwa Rift Basin Project: evolution of faunas and ecosystems in deep time―implications for Gondwana biogeography: 2021—To date
Geology and Archeologic Investigation of the mid-Pleistocene Isimila Stone-Age Site, Tanzania: 2020 —To date
Rift Dynamics and primate evolution at the close of the Paleogene: A view from the Rukwa Rift Basin: 2012—2020
Consultancy Project:
Karoo and Cretaceous rocks mapping in Rukwa Basin (UDSM-UCB/SoMG/22086): April, 2022—April, 2023
2024. Felister Christopher Nyaki, Emily Barnabas Kiswaka, Olugbenga A. Boboye, Stephen Peter Magohe, Elisante E. Mshiu and Cassy Mtelela. Depositional and post-depositional architectural elements of the Dar es Salaam Platform, central coastal Tanzania: distribution of petroleum system elements and their implications for petroleum prospectivity. Journal of Sedimentary Environments. SN: 2447-9462.
2023. Masota M Magigita, Elisante Mshiu, and Cassy Mtelela. Application of Remote Sensing and Spectroradiometry in Geological Mapping: a case study of Handeni (QDS 148) Block, Eastern Mozambique Belt, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science 49(5), 1079-1096.
2023. Theresa J. Orr, Eric M. Roberts, Michael I. Bird, Cassy Mtelela, Patrick M. O'Connor, Nancy J. Stevens. Paleosol-derived paleoclimate and paleoenvironment reconstruction of the Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania: implications for faunal dispersal in the Miocene–Pliocene. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 93 (5): 309–326. https://doi.org/10.2110/jsr.2022.015
2022. Sabuni, R., Mtelela, C. & Kagya, M. Geologic review of hydrocarbon potential of the Rufiji Basin, Tanzania. J. Sediment. Environ. 7, 337–349,
2022. Lawrence, L., Spandler, C., Hilbert-Wolf, H.L., Mtelela, C., Stevens, N.J., O'Connor, P.M., and Roberts, E.M. Radiogenic isotope record of magma genesis and lithospheric geodynamics of the Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania, from mid-Mesozoic to present. Chemical Geology, 608. 121040,
2021. Jacob A. McCartney, Sierra N. Bouchard, Josephine A. Reinhardt, Eric M. Roberts, Patrick M. O'Connor, Cassy Mtelela, Nancy J. Stevens. The oldest lamprophiid (Serpentes, Caenophidia) fossil from the late Oligocene Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania and the origins of African snake diversity,
Geobios, 66-67,
2021. Theresa J. Orr, Eric M. Roberts, Christopher M. Wurster, Cassy Mtelela, Nancy J. Stevens, and Patrick M. O’Connor. Paleoclimate and paleoenvironment reconstruction of paleosols spanning the Lower to Upper Cretaceous from the Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 577, 110539, ISSN 0031-0182,
2020. Vittorio Maselli, Davide Oppo, Andrew L. Moore, Aditya Riadi Gusman, Cassy Mtelela, David Iacopini, Marco Taviani, Elinaza Mjema, Ernest Mulaya, Melody Che, Ai Lena Tomioka, Elisante Mshiu and Joseph D. Ortiz. Forum Reply - A 1000-yr-old tsunami in the Indian Ocean points to greater risk for East Africa. Geology 49(1): e516-e516.
2020. Vittorio Maselli, Davide Oppo, Andrew L. Moore, Aditya Riadi Gusman, Cassy Mtelela, David Iacopini, Marco Taviani, Elinaza Mjema, Ernest Mulaya, Melody Che, Ai Lena Tomioka, Elisante Mshiu and Joseph D. Ortiz. A 1000-yr-old tsunami in the Indian Ocean points to greater risk for East Africa. Geology v. 48 (8), p. 808–813
2018. Mtelela, C., Preliminary sedimentology and stratigraphy of the enigmatic middle Lake Beds succession (Pleistocene?) in the Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science 44(1), p. 75-96. eISSN: 2507-7961, print ISSN: 0856-1761
https://journals.udsm.ac.tz/index.php/tjs/article/view/2805, https://www.ajol.info/index.php/tjs/article/view/171311
2017. Mtelela, C., Roberts, E.M., Hilbert-Wolf, H.L., Downie, R., Hendrix, M.S., O’Connor, P.M. and Stevens, N.J., Sedimentology and paleoenvironments of a new fossiliferous late Miocene-Pliocene sedimentary succession in the Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania. Journal of African Earth Sciences 129, p. 260-281. ISSN 1464-343X,
2017. Hannah Hilbert-Wolf, Eric Roberts, Bob Downie, Cassy Mtelela, Nancy Stevens and Patrick O’Connor. Application of U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology to drill cuttings for age control in hydrocarbon exploration wells: a case study from the Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania. AAPG Bulleti 101 (2), p. 143-159. AAPG Bulletin 101 (2), 143–159.
2017. Quaid Khan Jadoon, Eric Roberts, Bob Henderson, Thomas Blenkinsop, Raphael AJ Wüst, and Cassy Mtelela. Lithological and facies analysis of the Roseneath and Murteree shales, Cooper Basin, Australia. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 37, p. 138-168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jngse.2016.10.047
2016. Mtelela, C., Roberts, E.M., Downie, R., and Hendrix, M.S. Interplay of structural, climatic and volcanic controls on late Quaternary lacustrine-deltaic sedimentation patterns in the Western Branch of the East African Rift System, Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania. Journal of Sedimentary Research 86 (10), p. 1179-1207.