Happiness M. Hiji (Maiden name: Happiness Mlay)
13th August 1976
Professional Engineer, Engineers Registration Board (ERB) - Tanzania, 2017
Registration: PEng No. 4541
2008 - 2015
University of Dar-es-Salaam
PhD (Chemical and Process Engineering)
University of Dar-es-Salaam
MSc in Environmental Engineering
1998 - 2002
University of Dar-es-Salaam
BSc. in Chemical and Process Engineering
Advanced Teaching Methodologies, Ethics of Teaching and Supervision Skills
Employer: University of Dar-es-Salaam
January, 2015 To Date
February, 2006 - December, 2014
Assistant Lecturer
March, 2005 - January, 2006
Research Assistant
Dr. Happiness Hiji: This is a Professional Chemical and Process Engineer registered as Professional Engineer with the Engineers Registration Board (ERB) (PEng No. 4541) with expertise in the area of water quality, wastewater treatment, Constructed Wetlands (CWs) and Waste Stabilization Ponds (WSPs), biofuels and plant design and economics with teaching experience of Engineering Courses such as: Chemical and Process Engineering / Mineral processing Unit Operations related courses, Coal processing, Environmental Engineering related courses as well as Risk Assessment and Management courses.
Research interests lie on the areas of expertise and/or competency, which are:
Plant design and economics
and on teaching experience of Engineering Courses such as:
Risk Assessment and Management courses.
Participation in the Project Concept Review as a member of National Implementation Committee (NIC) for the WIOSAP Project, April, 2019
Project Title: “Implementation of the Strategic Project Programme for the protection of the Western Indian Ocean from land-based sources and activities (WIO-SAP)”
Client: The united Republic of Tanzania, Vice President’s Office
Participated in the 2nd National Implementation Committee (NIC) meeting for the purpose of reviewing the status of the implementation of the WIOSAP Project (including demonstration projects) at the Vice President’ office (Dar es Salaam), scheduled from 17th to 18th May 2022
Project Title: “Implementation of the Strategic Project Programme for the protection of the Western Indian Ocean from land-based sources and activities (WIO-SAP)”
Client: The united Republic of Tanzania, Vice President’s Office
Project Title: “Consultancy Services for Undertaking Assessment of Project Engineering Design for Engaruka Soda Ash Plant” August 2019
Client: Tanzania Industrial Research and Development (TIRDO)
Journal/Conference/Seminar Papers
Mlay, H., Katima, J.H.Y. and Minja, R.J.A. (2016) Contribution of Liquid Biofuels to Socio-Economic Rural Development. Journal of the Geographical Association of Tanzania, 36(1). p. 14-24.
Mlay, H., Katima, J.H.Y. and Minja, R.J.A. (2015) Plant Oil Blends as Alternative Fuels for Low- and Medium Speed Diesel Engines: Natural Gas Condensate Utilisation. American Journal of Engineering, Technology and Society. 2(3). p. 35-45.
Mlay, H., Katima, J.H.Y. and Minja, R.J.A. (2015) Plant Oil/Fusel Oil Blends as Alternative Fuels in Low- and Medium Speed Diesel Engines. American Journal of Energy Science. 2(2). p. 9-16.
Mlay, H., Katima, J.H.Y. and Minja, R.J.A. (2014) Modifying Plant Oils for Use as Fuel in Rural Contexts Tanzania: Techno-Economic Analysis. Open Journal of Modelling and Simulation. 2. p. 43-56.
Mlay, H., Njau, K.N., Katima, J.H.Y. and Jørgensen, S.E. (2006) Modelling the Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) using Horizontal Sub-Surface Flow (HSSF) Constructed Wetlands. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on, Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal, September 23-29, 2006.
Mlay, H., Njau, K.N., Katima, J.H.Y. and Mbwette, T.S.A. (2005) Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Using Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland (HSSFCW): A Case of Iron (Fe) Removal. Proceedings of the 2005 IET Annual Seminar on the Contribution of Engineering in Meeting Millennium Development Goals, Arusha-Tanzania, December 1-2, 2005, p. 47-52.
Mlay, H., Njau, K.N. and Katima, J.H.Y. (2004) The Chemistry of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) and its Treatment by Constructed Wetlands (Cws). Proceedings of the 9th International Chemistry Conference in Africa (ICCA-9), Arusha-Tanzania, August 2-7, 2004, p. 85-97.
Mlay, H., 2014. A Study on the Process of Modifying Plant Oils for Rural Liquid Biofuel in Tanzania. PhD Thesis, Department of Chemical and Mining Engineering, University of Dar es Salaam.
Mlay, H., 2005. Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Treatment Using Constructed Wetlands (CWs). M.Sc. Dissertation, Department of Chemical and Mining Engineering, University of Dar es Salaam.
Research Reports
Mwakaje, A., Mlay, H., Katima, J.H.Y., Minja, R.J.A. and Njau, K.N. (2011) Opportunities of Using Pure Plant Oil for Running Stationary Diesel Engines in Rural Areas of Tanzania. PISCES Policy Brief No. 6. African Centre for Technology studies: https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep00099.