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Rajab Rajab Awami

College of Natural and Applied Sciences

Zoology and Wildlife Conservation


Rajab Rajab Awami is a Tutor and registered Veterinary Doctor at the Department of Zoology and Wildlife Conservation within the College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM). He has an extensive field experience in animal health research, training youth, and executing various veterinary and Public health related activities. He serve as a Tutorial Assistant at University of Dar es Salaam since 2023 where his primary responsibilities encompass research, teaching, community service and consultation. He is holding Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVM) from Sokoine University of Agriculture. Currently, he is studying a prestigious joint blended program of MSc in Global One Health (Diseases at Humans and Animals Interface) at University of Pretoria, South Africa, and the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium. 

Previously, he worked as a Project Officer at Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), where he conducted participatory action research with pastoralists on livestock diseases, educated farmers on sustainable pasture production, and facilitated capacity-building training for young girls. Furthermore, Rajab is an experienced volunteer and has worked with organizations such as One Health Society, Tanzania Animal Health Organisation (TAHO), Tanzania Small Animal Veterinary Organisation (TASAVO), The African One Health University Network (AFROHUN), Tanzania Veterinary Laboratory Agency (TVLA), and Sokoine University Animal Teaching Hospital. 


Rajab is an active member of various professional organizations, including the Veterinary Council of Tanzania (VCT), Tanzania Veterinary Association (TVA), One Health Society (OHS)Tanzania Small Animals Veterinary Organization (TASAVO), Tanzania Animal Health Organisation (TAHO) and the African One Health University Student Network (AFROHUN).

Contacts:, ,  

Research Interest


Emerging and re-emerging zoonosis

One Health 

Molecular Physiology

Wildlife Health

Animal welfare 

Antimicrobial resistance,.





Role: Project Manager

The VetProWell seeks to address the mental health and career development challenges faced by recent veterinary graduates in Tanzania. Many young veterinarians struggle with burnouts, compassion fatigue, limited employment opportunities, financial uncertainties, and other stressors, leading to mental health issues and reduced productivity.

Through mentorship, wellness support, and capacity-building workshops, the VetProWell Fellowship will equip graduates with the skills needed to manage stress, enhance their career prospects, and deliver better veterinary services. Key activities include:

1. Conducting a mental health assessment to tailor mentorship programs.
2. Creating sustainable mentor-mentee relationships.
3. Hosting wellness and career development workshops led by experts.
4. Providing peer-to-peer webinars to share experiences and success stories.

The program will not only improve the wellbeing of young veterinarians but also strengthen Tanzania's veterinary workforce, ensuring better animal health services. TASAVO members are encouraged to support and participate in this transformative project, which embodies the collaborative spirit of the veterinary community.

African One Health University Network (AFROHUN)

                 Role: Veterinarian


Girls Empowerment through Agro-ecology and Permaculture

                Role: Project Officer cum Field Facilitator


Mlimani Goats Project

                    Role: Project Officer cum Field Facilitator


Optimizing vaccination and biosecurity regimes to enhance fight against AMR in commercial poultry production & mitigating the spread of antimicrobials and resistant microbes through treatment of manure. 
                         Role: Field Data Enumerator and Researcher
                    Link: commercial-poultry-production


Awami R, Mshamu S, Maro J, Yassin S, Worstry A, Haule Y, Mreta L, (2023) Investigating Foot and Mouth Disease in Wami, Tanzania. A study of pastoralists awareness, practices and vaccination applicability. In: Transforming food systems for responsible production, consumption and social wellbeing: 1st East Africa Agro-ecology Conference (pp. 97), Biovison Africa Trust, Kenya.