Associate Professor in Botany Department , College Of Natural And Applied Sciences

BSc. (SUA, Tanzania), MSc (Gent, Belgium), PhD (NMBU, Norway)


  • Understanding the Role of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) in Sustainable Infrastructure Development for Addressing Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change Impacts in the Water Tower Landscape. Funded by World Wildlife Fund (2021-2022)
  • Development of Forest Management Plan for Masito Local Area Forest Reserve. Funded by USAID through Jane Goodall Institute (2021-2022)
  • Analysis of Traditional Agroforestry Systems for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Food Production in Tanzania. Funded by FAO Tanzania (2022-2023)

  • Evaluation of tree planting projects and programmes to improve future delivery and up-scaling in Tanzania. Funded by TaFF (2021- 2024)



  1. Andrew S.M. (2024). Woody Plant Assemblages of Recently Declared Village Land Forest Reserve in the Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot. Tanzania Journal of Science 49(5): 1011-1027
  2. Mwakalukwa EE., Andrew S.M (2024). Structure, regeneration and carbon stocks of woody plants in the Litwang’ata village land forest reserve, Southwest Tanzania. Folia Oecologica 51(1): 29-38.
  3. Mapunda K.K., Andrew S.M., Munishi P.K.T. (2024). Population structure and carbon storage of critically endangered tree Karomia gigas (Faden) Verdic in the coastal forests of Lindi, Tanzania. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators 22: 100352.
  4. Andrew S.M., Nyanghura Q.M. and Mombo F.M. (2023). Land cover change and utilization of village land forest reserves in Ludewa, Tanzania. Environmental challenges 10:100668.
  5. Andrew S.M. (2023). Production and nutritional value of Pleurotus floridanus grown on rice straw supplemented with Leucaena leucocephala foliage. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators 17: 100223.
  6. Mapunda K.K., Andrew S.M. (2023). Predicting the distribution of critically endangered tree species Karomia gigas under climate change in Tanzania. Ecological Engineering 195: 107065.
  7. Vyamana V.G., Andrew S.M., Chamshama S.A.O. (2023). Integration of indigenous agroforestry tree species in agricultural fields enhances fuelwood production in Tanzania. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators 18:100246.
  8. Filho WL, Totin  E., Franke JA., Andrew S.M., Abubakar IR., Azadi H., Nunn PD.,  Ouweneel  B.,  Williams PA. and Simpson NP. (2022). Understanding responses to climate-related water scarcity in Africa. Science of the Total Environment 806:150420
  9. Andrew S.M. (2022). Drivers, trends and management of forest fires in Tanzania. Trees, Forests and People 10: 100355.
  10. Andrew S.M. (2022). Enhancing Germination of Seeds of a Multipurpose Tree Species Combretum molle. Tanzania Journal of Science 48(4): 793-803.
  11. Gumadi J., Mwambusi J.N., S.A.O. Chamshama, S.M. Andrew, R.E. Malimbwi (2023). Thinning compliance and its effects on growth, yield and stem quality of Tectona grandis at Mtibwa Forest Plantation, Morogoro, Tanzania.  Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation, 92 (1): 82-95.
  12. Andrew S.M. (2021). Effects of plant species diversity and biomass on grazing patch selection by semi free-ranging cattle, Tanzania Journal of Science, 47(1):282-295.
  13. Andrew S.M. and Mbwambo J.R. (2021). Amending traditional substrate rice straw with agroforestry tree foliage increases production cycle and nutritional value of Pleurotus floridanus, Tanzania Journal of Science 47(2):485-494.
  14. Vyamana V.G., Chamshama S.A.O. and Andrew S.M. (2021). Coppicing and productivity of two indigenous tree species under different forest management regimes in Tanzania, Trees, Forests and People 4:100088
  15. Andrew S.M., Kombo S.A. and Chamshama S.A.O. (2021). Diversity in fruit and seed morphology of wooden banana (Entandrophragma bussei) wild populations in Tanzania, Trees, Forests and People 5: 100095
  16. Vyamana V.G., Chamshama S.A.O. and Andrew S.M. (2021). Soil nutrients and maize yield responses to agroforestry tree post-fallows management in Tanzania, Trees, Forests and People 6: 100164
  17. Samora M. Andrew, Siwa A. Kombo and Shabani A.O. Chamshama (2021). Germination and Seedling Growth of Entandrophragma bussei Harms ex Engl. from Wild Populations, In:  E.C. Carmona (ed.). Vegetation Index and Dynamics. IntechOpen Ltd, London. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.97489. Available from:
  18. Andrew S.M. (2020). Agroforestry in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+): Africa, where are you? In: Auch, E.; Domke, M. (Eds.) (2020) “Welcome to Africa” - Scientific Cooperation Network on Climate Change Adaptation in Eastern Africa: Proceedings from the 2015 Workshop in Dresden/Tharandt, Germany, 26 – 29 May. Technische Universitaet Dresden, Dresden. 98-112 Pp. 
  19. Andrew S.M. (2020). Woody plant species composition, richness and carbon storage in disturbed tropical riparian forests. Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation 89(2):1-15
  20. Sawe T., Eldegard K., Totland Ø., Macrice S. and Nielsen A. (2020). Enhancing pollination is more effective than increased conventional agriculture inputs for improving watermelon yields. Ecology and Evolution 10:5343–5353. 
  21. Sawe T., Nielsen A., Totland Ø., Macrice S. and Eldegard K. (2020). Inadequate pollination services limit watermelon yields in northern Tanzania. Basic and Applied Ecology 44:35–45
  22. Kilawe C.J., Kaaya O.E., Kolonel C.P., Andrew S.M., Mshama C., Lyimo P.J. & Emily C.J. (2020). Wildfires in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania: Burned Areas, Underlying Causes, and Management Challenges. African Journal of Ecology 00:1-12 
  23. Wambura, H.D., Kudra A.B., Andrew, S.M. and Witt, A. (2019). Assessment of Effective Control Methods for Parthenium Weed in Maize Fields In: E.D. Karimuribo, N. Amuri, D. Ndosi, C.N. Nyaruhucha, A.B. Matondo, J.K. Urassa and S. Iddi (eds.). Proceedings of Scientific Conference on Transforming Agriculture and Natural Resources for Sustainable Development to Attain Industrial Economy in Tanzania, 10-11th April 2019 SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania 83-93 Pp.
  24. Lyimo, P.J., Malimbwi, R., Samora, A.M.,  Aloyce E., Kitasho N.M., Sirima, A.A.,  Emily C.J., Munishi, P.K., Shirima D.D., Mauya, E., Chidodo, S., Mwakalukwa  E.E., Silayo, D.S.A  and Mlyuka G.R. (2019). Bamboo: A Potential Resource for Contribution to Industrial Development of Tanzania. In: E.D. Karimuribo, N. Amuri, D. Ndosi, C.N. Nyaruhucha, A.B. Matondo, J.K. Urassa and S. Iddi (eds.). Proceedings of Scientific Conference on Transforming Agriculture and Natural Resources for Sustainable Development to Attain Industrial Economy in Tanzania, 10-11th April 2019 SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania, 95-115 Pp.
  25. Aloyce E., Manyanda B.J., S.A. Macrice, Mugasha W.A. and Malimbwi R.E. (2019). Distribution, population structure and carbon storage of bamboo species in Tanzania. In: Malimbwi R.E. and Mugasha W.A. (eds.). Proceedings of the conclusive workshop of the INFORES project, Morogoro, 25th-26th September, 2019. Pp 60-71.
  26. Andrew S.M. (2018). Invasive species Echinochloa colona reduces abundance and diversity of resident plant communities in tropical wetlands. Open Journal of Ecology, 8(9):483-494
  27. Msanga, H.P., Masunga, E.W., Andrew, S.M., and Fandey, F.H. (2018). Challenges of producing quality tree seeds to support Afforestation in Tanzania. In: J.F. Kessy, C.P. Balama, P.J. Kagosi, S. Bakengesa, N.E. Pima, M.A. Mndolwa and S.E. Nkya (eds.). Proceedings of the 1st TAFORI Scientific Conference on Forestry Research for Sustainable Industrial Economy in Tanzania 24-25th April 2018, TAFORI Headquarters, Morogoro, Tanzania. 63-72 Pp.
  28. Andrew S.M. and S.J. Sembosi (2017). Spatial and temporal dynamics of land use and land cover in and around Magamba Nature Forest Reserve, Lushoto, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation 86(2):13-26.
  29. Andrew S.M., Totland Ø., and Moe S.R. (2015). Spatial variation in plant species richness and diversity along human disturbance and environmental gradients in a tropical wetland. Wetlands Ecology and Management 23:395-404.
  30. Andrew S.M., Totland Ø. and Moe S.R. (2014). Invasion of the cosmopolitan species Echinochloa colona into herbaceous vegetation of a tropical wetland system. Ecological Research 29:969-979.
  31. Ntongani W. and Andrew S.M. (2013). Bird species composition and diversity in habitats with different disturbance histories at Kilombero Wetlands, Tanzania. Open Journal of Ecology 3:482-488.
  32. Andrew S.M., Moe S.R., Totland Ø. and Munishi P.K.T. (2012). Species composition and functional structure of herbaceous vegetation in a tropical wetland system. Biodiversity and Conservation 21:2865-2885.