Research interests: Fungal taxonomy and biodiversity, Lichenology, Fungal biotechnology, Bioactive compounds and ethnomycology
Investigator: Diversity of Marine Microalgae and their bioactive metabolites for industrial application.
Investigator: Investigations of Cashew Wilt Disease an Emerging Threat Caused by Fusarium oxysporum in Tanzania
Temu, S.G., Clerc, P., Tibell, Nadel M.N., L., Tibuhwa, D.D., Tibell, S. (2022). Molecular, morphological and chemical variation in Usnea pectinata aggregate from Tanzania, São Tomé and Príncipe. Lichenologist, 54: 291–298.
Gilbert Temu, S. (2020). Lichens in Mountain Rainforests of Tanzania: Studies of Usnea and Calicioids (Doctoral dissertation, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis)
Temu, S.G., Clerc, P., Tibell, L., Tibuhwa, D.D., Tibell, S. (2019). Phylogeny of the subgenus Eumitria in Tanzania. Mycology, 1–11.
Temu, S.G., Tibell, S., Tibuhwa, D.D., Tibell, L. (2019). Crustose Calicioid Lichens and Fungi in Mountain Cloud Forests of Tanzania. Microorganisms,7(11):491.
Temu, S.G., Moshi, A.P., Nges, I.A., Mshandete, A.M., Kivaisi, A.K., Mattiasson B. (2016). Effect of biological and physicochemical pre-treatments on methane yield of mixed palm oil wastes. British Biotechnology Journal 11(4): 1–12.
Moshi, A.P.,Temu, S.G., Nges, I.A., Gashaw, M., Hosea K.M.M, Elisante E., Mattiason, B. (2015). Combined Production of Bioethanol and Biogas from Peels of wild cassava Manihot glaziovii. Chemical Engineering Journal, 279: 297–306
Temu, S.G., Mshandete, A.M., Kivaisi. A.K. (2014). Tanzania Palm Oil Industry: Auditing and Characterization of Oil Palm Wastes Potential Bio- resource for Valorization. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 4:804-811