The School of Mines and Geosciences-SoMG has entered into an agreement with the Yulho company of South Korea worth 10 million US dollars for the construction of a modern laboratory for the testing and examination of minerals in the count
The School of Mines and Geosciences-SoMG has entered into an agreement with the Yulho company of South Korea worth 10 million US dollars for the construction of a modern laboratory for the testing and examination of minerals in the count
The University of Dar es Salaam will celebrate its ninth annual Research and Innovation Week for the year 2024 in April and June at unit and university levels, respectively, and the main
Washindi wa Maonesho haya yaliyofanyika tarehe 12- 14/ 04/2023 walipewa zawadi ya cheti na pesa taslim shilingi 1,000,000 kwa kila mmoja. Zawadi hizi zilitolewa katika Hafla fupi ya kufunga maonesho ya 8 ya wiki ya utafiti na uvumbuzi katika