The University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) invites qualified applicants to apply for Five (5) PhD grants to work on topics relevant to the Capacity Building project titled Climate Change, Energy, and Sustainability: Transformations and Governance (CENSU) Project.
The successful applicants will work with an exciting International Team from the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), State University of Zanzibar (SUZA), Lúrio University (UniLúrio) and Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet).
Brief Summary of the CENSU Project
The Climate Change, Energy, Sustainability (CENSU) is funded by the NORHED II program of NORAD (Norway). The CENSU project addresses the needs for increased education and research capacity in order to address some major development challenges in Tanzania and Mozambique: challenges related to the sustainability of extraction of their energy resources, particularly oil and gas, and the implications for climate change mitigation. In order for the involved parties to be able to address the mentioned development challenges effectively, the project aims to share and build competence within and across countries, and across disciplines (interlinking natural sciences and social sciences) in a South-South-North collaboration setting.
The project builds on the capacities created by the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) and State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) during the NORHED I project “Vulnerability, Resilience, Rights and Responsibilities: Capacity Building on Climate Change”. The Centre for Climate Change Studies (CCCS) at UDSM will be the main South partner in a regional network including relevant entities at SUZA and two Mozambican Universities: Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) and Lúrio University (UniLúrio). With contributions from Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), they will develop interdisciplinary curricula in Master’s and PhD programs in the respective Tanzanian and Mozambican Universities, based on highly policy-relevant joint research.
The project will carry out research on current and anticipated oil and gas exploration mainly in Lindi in Southern Tanzania and Inhassoro in Southern Mozambique, as well as in other coastal areas of the two countries such as in the Cabo Delgado province if the security situation allows. Senior staff, PhD students and Master's students will work together before, during and after well-coordinated field work. The research will form the basis for the education of a much-needed local and national work force with high-level competence in climate change and sustainable development related to petroleum and other extractive industries.
Staff, PhDs and Masters Students alike will promote interdisciplinary Sustainability Science by integrating natural and social sciences, understanding the relationship between the environmental, economic and social dimensions of sustainable development, and exploring the implications of such a holistic approach for policy making and governance systems in concrete historical, local and global contexts. These objectives will be attained by focusing on the following thematic areas/ sustainability challenges:
Expected Focus of PhD Research Concept Proposals
We invite PhD research concept proposals to address one or more of the following research questions (RQs):
What is expected from the research concept proposal:
The length of each proposal should be maximum 2000 words (excluding the list of references.)
Successful applicants are expected to apply to be admitted into the PhD program of University of Dar es Salaam. Therefore, the applicants must fulfil the formal requirements of that PhD program. The working language is English.
The applicant should:
Given the emphasis on capacity building in the NORHED II, staff members in partner institutions are encouraged to submit applications.
About the PhD Grant
The duration of the PhD grant is three years full-time. The duration might be extended to four years, subject to special arrangement with the parent university and in agreement with the University of Dar es Salaam.
The grants include a mobility stipend for three months’ stay at OsloMet. Mozambican PhD students shall also spend at least 4 – 6 months at University of Dar es Salaam.
The senior project staff will serve as Supervisors or Co-Supervisors.
The size of the grants are: when staying in Oslo, NOK 20 330 per month (USD 2.330 with the current exchange rate). When staying in Tanzania or Mozambique, TShs. 600 000,-/ approximately MZN 16.500.00 per month. When staying in his/her home country, there will be an additional remuneration for Mozambican grantees.
The Application
Your application must include:
Please note: the research concept proposal and all attachments should be combined in one PDF file.
Closing date: 28th October, 2022.
The application is to be sent by email to: and copy to
The shortlisted applicants will be announced on 14th December, 2022. The shortlisted
applicants will be called for an interview in Dar es Salaam, in Maputo, or in a video conference to be carried out in January 2023.
Please click the link to download the Announcement