Legislators commend UDSM for HEET Project implementation

Thu, 12.Sep.2024 18.58

By Isdory Jackson and Tumaini Kibangala, CMU

The Parliamentary Committee on Education, Culture and Sports has applauded the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) for its relentless efforts in improvement of education in the country by effectively implementing the Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) Project.


This transpired during the visit of the Parliamentary Committee to monitor the implementation of various activities under the HEET Project. The legislators set off in Zanzibar at the Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) in Buyu on 9 September 2024 followed by the visit at the UDSM Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, Mlimani Campus on 10 September 2024.

Members of this committee led by the Chairperson Hon. Husna Juma Sekiboko (MP) expressed their satisfaction with the milestones reached in the implementation of the HEET Project, noting that the UDSM has demonstrated excellence in numerous areas including construction of buildings and curriculum improvement to ensure that it aligns with the market and employment needs in Tanzania and globally.

"Curriculum review has contributed significantly in addressing unemployment challenge in Tanzania and such reviews are critical in ensuring that the education we provide enables graduates to tackle challenges facing the society. It is critically important to assess ourselves so that we know if the education we provide addresses the challenges around us. Is the university graduate capable of solving problems in the society?” said the Chairperson of the Committee, Hon. Sekiboko.

Hon. Sekiboko congratulated the University of Dar es Salaam, noting that her Committee was happy with the efforts undertaken by the University of Dar es Salaam in meeting the objectives of the HEET Project while enjoining various stakeholders including contractors to accomplish project activities in a timely manner.

UDSM’s immense contribution to national development

In this visit the Parliamentary Committee was accompanied by the Deputy Minister for Education, Science and Technology, Hon. Omary Kipanga (MP), Permanent Secretary Prof. Carolyne Nombo, as well as other officials from the ministry.

The Committee inspected several activities under the HEET Project, including construction of a dormitory with a capacity of accommodating 40 students at IMS in Zanzibar, a four-class structure with the capacity of sitting 216 students, a conference hall with a capacity of 150 people, staff offices and five laboratories.

The Deputy Minister for Education, Science and Technology, Hon. Omary Kipanga reiterated that his ministry will supervise the implementation of the HEET Project as well as other development projects that are implemented by universities, in order to ensure that UDSM continues to contribute to national development.

“This University is ours; we must follow the directives of the Committee and the Government in order to meet the national targets. We are required to ensure that what we teach, the research we conduct and the public service we offer contribute directly to the development of this country. I congratulate the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, H. E. Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan for her efforts in improving education in the country. We shall strive to support the President in this endeavour”, said Hon. Kipanga.

On the other hand, the Deputy Chairperson of the Committee Hon. Mussa Sima (MP) emphasized that the University was required to ensure that the research undertaken by academic members of staff is translated into the language that the common mwananchi can follow and understand so that they could use the results to solve the problems facing them.

"Universities, including UDSM, do a lot of research. These researches should be made understandable to people so that they see and believe that they will help them. This is possible if the language used is understood by the target population, and not simply archiving them", said Hon. Sima.

Leaving an indelible mark to the University

On her part, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Planning, Finance and Administration, Prof. Bernadeta Killian, who is also the HEET Project Coordinator, assured the Parliamentary Committee that UDSM is doing everything possible to ensure that the HEET Project is implemented and finalised on time and with the intended quality. 

“We will ensure that this HEET Project is not only effectively accomplished but also leaves an indelible mark to the University and our country. We shall ensure appropriate spending of money, we are improving our curriculum to enable our graduates to compete in the international job market and the community is benefitting by all the outcomes of this project”, remarked Prof. Killian.

She added that implementation of construction activities under the HEET Project was expected to complete within 18 months, and will cost TZS 11,194,677,531.

The Chairperson of the Council Hon. Ambassador Mwanaidi Maajar thanked the members of the Parliamentary Committee for the visit and their directives and advise, emphasizing that the Council will continue to provide oversight to University to ensure that it lives up to its established goals. “Honourable Chairperson and all the members, I thank you very much and I promise that the Council shall ensure that the University devises strategies to realise the UDSM Vision 2061 and national goals,” concluded Ambassador Maajar.