Contact details
Title: Dr
Name: Emmanuel Kazimoto
College/School/Division: School Of Mines And Geosciences
Role: Senior Lecturer
Current Summarised CV:

I am a geochemist, igneous and metamorphic petrologist with interest in metallic mineral deposits and environment geochemistry.

I received a Bachelor of Science degree specialised in geology and chemistry and a Master of Science degree in Geology from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. At doctorate level I specialized in mineralogy and petrology from the Christian Albrecht University of Kiel in Germany, from which I investigated crustal evolution and metallic deposits of the Paleoproterozoic Ubendian Belt of Tanzania.

I currently save as senior lecturer and Head at the Department of Geosciences. I teach several courses including magmatic and metamorphic petrology, metallic mineral deposits, ore genesis, ore microscopy and Geology of Tanzania.

I have a diverse research interest, main research topics (at the moment) being understanding formation and evolutionary history of different geologic terrainsand their associated earth resources.



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