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Title: Prof
Name: Eunice Mureithi
College/School/Division: College Of Natural And Applied Sciences
Role: Associate Professor
Current Summarised CV:



Eunice W. Mureithi (PhD) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics, University of Dar es Salaam. She holds a BEd(Sci)  degree, a MSc. degree in Applied Mathematics and a PhD in Mathematics. She is the Principal Investigator of the NORHED II Mathematics for Sustainable Development project (2021- 2026). Eunice served as the Head of the Department of mathematics from 2015-2021.


Eunice’s research interests revolve around Fluid Dynamics and Biomathematics. Most of her research falls in is the area of mathematical epidemiology, boundary layer flows and their stability, fluid flows in porous media, nano-fluid flows and ecological modelling. The research has produced over 35 journal papers and one book chapter, in internationally recognised journals. Eunice has also attended a number of international and regional conferences.


Eunice has supervised 26 masters and 6 PhD students to completion. She is currently supervising 2 PhD students

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