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Title: Mr
Name: Mohamed Julius Kibaja
College/School/Division: College Of Natural And Applied Sciences
Role: Lecturer
Current Summarised CV:,

Mr. Mohamed Julius Kibaja is an assistant lecturer at the Department of Zoology and Wildlife Conservation within the College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dar Es Salaam. He joined the University of Dar es Salaam as member of staff from 2009 to date. He teaches undergraduate students. Mr Kibaja holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Wildlife Science and Conservation (2008) and MSc in Biodiversity Conservation (2012) from the University of Dar es Salaam. He has recently defended his PhD titled “Behavioral ecology and conservation of Ashy red colobus monkeys (Piliocolobus tephrosceles) at the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, Norway in July 2022. 

Mr. Kibaja has interests in wildlife ecology and conservation, in particular primates. Pertaining to wildlife ecology, he has learned some techniques for species distribution modelling and statistical modelling using R. He is also very interested in studying behavioral and ecological flexibility of non-human primates and other species across heterogeneous landscapes. Getting knowledge on the species flexibility is very critical to understand how they (species) can survive in such landscapes and their ability to adapt the changing environment caused by anthropogenic activities and/or climate change. He has ambition to get strong academic qualifications as a researcher and as an academic. One of his main goals is to improve the quality of science done in the country, both through conducting research and teaching. He lectures various topics including animal behaviour, ecology, conservation biology and chordate zoology.

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