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Title: M/s
Name: Neema Benson Sway
College/School/Division: Institute of Kiswahili Studies
Role: Assistant Lecturer
Current Summarised CV:

Ms. Neema Sway is an Assistant Lecturer who focuses on providing Kiswahili literature knowledge and skills to college and university students. She then does research on Kiswahili literature issues and their corresponding theoretical frameworks. She has been in teaching and in consulting undergraduate students since 2013, where she also managed to supervise and assess some of the Kiswahili short-term International students who successful performed their Kiswahili Literature projects, and wrote their reports in Kiswahili. Also, she has conducted various research activities and academic projects which add value to the Kiswahili literature field and Kiswahili language such as that of reviewing the Kamusi ya Kiswahili Sanifu – fourth edition project done from 2017 – 2019. Moreover, she participated on several Kiswahili literary essays, articles and books analysis and editing while continue growing her professional ability. Currently, she is pursuing a PhD research dealing with written epic genres and their alienated heros/ heroines.Contacts:

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