Contact details
Name: Ramadhani Mgoto Juma
College/School/Division: Dar Es Salaam University College Of Education
Role: Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Languages and Literature
Current Summarised CV:

Mr. Ramadhani Mgoto Juma is an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Languages and Literature at Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE).  He persued his Bachelor of Arts with Education Degree and  Master of Arts with Education from University of Dar es Salaam. Swahili Syntax and Morphology, Bantu Languages, Social Linguistics as well as Language Teaching and Learning are his favorite fields of teaching, academic investigation and publications. Formerly, from 2015 to 2021, he worked as a teacher in different levels from primary to advanced secondary education.



Phone number: 0712246066

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