Lecturer, Dar Es Salaam University College Of Education

Bachelor of Arts with Education, MA (Linguistics), PhD (Linguistics), University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Communication Skills, English Language Practice, Introduction to English Structure & Function, and Sociolinguistics.



Semiotics, Multimodality, Translanguaging, Discourse Analysis, Sociolinguistics, Semantics, and Second Language Learning.




1. Ilonga, E. (2024) Morpho-semantic analysis of contemporary Swahili speakers’ linguistic innovations on microloan names, _Cogent Arts & Humanities_, 11:1, 1 - 13.

2. Ilonga, E. (2024). _"Karibu Zanzibar_" - Naming tourist watercrafts along the Zanzibar coast. _Utafiti, Journal of African Perspectives_, 19:1, 55-78.

3. Ilonga, E. (2023). Language Contest in the Linguistic Landscape  of Sabasaba International Trade Exhibition in Dar es Salaam. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 12 (2):38-58.

4. Ilonga, E. (2023). Linguistic innovations in a multilingual digital advertising context in Tanzania: A translanguaging perspective. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-19.

5. Ilonga, E. (2023). The Rhetoric of Tanzanian  3D Digital Memes on Meaning Making. Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education, 17 (1):97-115.

6. Mapunda, G., & Ilonga, E. (2022). Lexical Innovation through Swahilisation of English Lexicon in Online Advertisements. Utafiti, Journal of African Perspective, 17: 107-129.

7. Ilonga, E., & Mapunda, G. (2022). Complementarity of Communicative Modes on Meaning Making in Tanzania’s Digital Telecom Marketing: A Social Semiotic Multimodal Perspective. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 40:1, 87-99, DOI: 10.2989/16073614.2021.1999832

8. Ilonga, E. (2016), A comparative study of headedness in Ruhaya compounds. Journal of Education, Humanities and Sciences, 89-100.

9. Ilonga, E. (2018), Motivation for Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language: Experience from DUCE. Journal of Education, Humanities and Sciences, 62-72.

10. Ilonga, E. (2019), A Socio-academic Reflection of College Students’ Slang Expressions. Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education, 178-198.

11. Ilonga, E. (2021). Language Properties of Online Visual Commercial Advertisements: In A. Chebanne & A. Lusekelo (Eds.), African languages: Linguistic, literacies, and social issues (pp. 363-382). Cape Town, South Africa: The University of the Western Cape.  

12.  Ilonga, E. (2021). Structural Analysis of Code Switching  in Tanzanian Swahili-English Online Televom Adverts. Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences. 10 (5):59-75.