Associate Professor and Principal, College Of Natural And Applied Sciences

• PhD (Wildlife Ecology), Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2008. • MSc. (Wildlife Ecology), University of Dar es salaam, 2003. • BSc. (Chemistry, Biology, Education), University of Dar es Salaam, 2000


  • Biodiversity
  • Biology of mammals
  • Biostatistics
  • Research methods
  • Biology of Birds and
  • Environmental Impact Assessment


Conservation Biology, Wildlife Ecology and Human-Wildlife conflict with focus on any interaction between humans and wildlife that result in negative impacts on human social, economic or cultural life, and on the conservation of wildlife populations, or on the environment. 


Incorporating community, development and biodiversity with conservation to enhance protected area management: A case of Pugu-Kazimzumbwi Nature Forest Reserve, TANZANIA (On going research project expected to end in March 2023).


  1. Kisingo A., Wilfred P., Magige F. J., Kayeye H., Nahonyo C. L., Milner-Gulland E. J (2022) Resource managers' and users' perspectives on factors contributing to unauthorised hunting in western Tanzania. https://doi.org/10.1111/aje.12947
  2. Richard U., Byamungu R. M., Magige F., Makonda F.B.S. Microhabitat, altitude and seasonal influence on the abundance of non-volant small mammals in Mount Rungwe forest nature reserve. Global Ecology and Conservation 35 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2022.e02069
  3. Shilereyo M. T., Magige F. J., Ranke P.S., Ogutu J. O. and Røskaft E (2022). Ectoparasite load of small mammals in the Serengeti Ecosystem: effects of land use, season, host species, age, sex and breeding status. Journal of Parasitology Research. Vol. 121, pp. 823–838. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00436-022-07439-1
  4. Magige, F.J., Nahonyo C.L., Wilfred P., Kayeye H, Kisingo A. (2021). Willingness to Adopt the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART): The Case of Ugalla Game Reserve, Tanzania. Journal of Education, Humanities and Sciences, Volume 10 No. 6, 2021: 130–137
  5. Shilereyo M.T., Magige F. J., Ogutu J. O and Røskaft E (2021). Land use and habitat selection by small mammals in the Tanzanian Greater Serengeti Ecosystem. Journal of Global Ecology and Conservation. Vol. 27(2):e01606. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01606
  6. Shilereyo, M., Magige, F. J., Ogutu, J.O and Røskaft, E. (2020). Small mammal community demography and reproductive seasonality under protection, pastoralism and agriculture in the Serengeti Ecosystem, Tanzania. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation. 12(4) 253-269 https://doi.org/10.5897/IJBC2020.1397
  7. Mwampeta, S.B., Magige, F. J and Belant, J.L. (2020). Spatial and temporal overlap of caracal and serval in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology 00:1–10. DOI: 10.1111/aje.12764
  8. Nassoro Mohamed, N. M. and Magige, F.J. (2020) Survivorship of the reintroduced Kihansi Spray Toads Nectophrynoides asperginis in a soft release experiment at the Kihansi Gorge, Tanzania. Journal of Education, Humanities and Sciences 9(1): 111–122.

Membership and Registration:

  1. Nature Tanzania – an independent national conservation NGO.
  2. Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania – a conservation NGO.