Lecturer, Dar Es Salaam University College Of Education

Ph.D (Teaching and Teacher Education), Leiden University, the Netherlands.


  1. Educational psychology
  2. Social psychology
  3. Gender issues


  • Teaching, Teacher Education, Teacher Motivation and Commitment
  • Educational Psychology, Social Psychology and Gender Issues




  1. Swai, C., & Moses, I. (2021). Undergraduate Female Student-Leaders in Higher Education: Leadership Identity and Development in Tanzania. Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 10 (2): Special Issue on Gender I.
  2. Moses, I., Berry, A., Saab, N., & Admiraal, W. (2019). Student-teachers' commitment to teaching and intentions to enter the teaching profession in Tanzania. South African Journal of Education 39 (1), 1-15
  3. Moses, I., Berry, A., Saab, N., & Admiraal, W. (2017). Who wants to become a teacher? Typology of student teachers’ commitment to teaching. Journal of Education for Teaching: International Research and Pedagogy, 43, 444-457 doi. 10.1080/02607476.2017.1296562
  4. Moses, I., Admiraal, W., & Berry, A. K. (2016). Gender and gender role differences in student-teachers’ commitment to teaching. Social Psychology of Education, 19(3), 475-492. doi 10.1007/s11218-016-9340-3
  5. Onditi, H.Z., Moses, I. & Masath, F.B. (2014) Psychosocial Stressors and Help-Seeking Behavior among Undergraduate Student Teachers in Tanzania. International Journal of Learning and Development, Vol. 4 (1) Doi:10.5296/ijld.v4i1.5087
  6. Kafyulilo A. C., Rugambuka I. B. & Moses, I. (2012) The Implementation of Competency Based Teaching Approaches in Tanzania: The Case of Pre-service Teachers at Morogoro Teacher Training College. Universal Journal of Education and General Studies vol 1(11) pp 339-349
  7. Mlyakado, B. P., &  Mwandambo, M. I. (2023).  Student Teachers’ Experiences of Mentorship during Teaching Practice in Tanzania.  Papers in Education and Development, 41 (2), 76-93.