Lecturer, College of Engineering and Technology

PhD in Textile Technology (University of Leeds, United Kingdom); MSc in Textile Technology (University of Manchester, United Kingdom); Bsc. in Mechanical Engineering (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)



IDRC through Carleton University funded project on “Modernisation of the Tanzania’s Batik Industry as a potential Source of Income for Unemployment Women” The project aims to establish techniques that could be used by local batik producers in producing batik of high quality in terms of colour staining and colour fading. It also aims to investigate possibilities of adding new motifs and design to the currently available batik database. The contact person are DR. Pendo Bigambo, Dr. Mbonea Mrango and Ms. Safina Kimbokota (September 2020 – October 2022).

OWSD grant for project titled “Reuse of Waste Cotton Fabrics through Nanotechnology”. The Project aims at developing techniques to utilise cotton-based waste materials in developing nanomaterials through electrospinning form of Nanotechnology. The contact person is Dr. P. Bigambo (January 2019 – June 2022)