Lecturer, Institute of Resource Assessment

BA: UDSM, Dar; MA: UDSM, Dar; PhD: Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norway


Specialised areas of teaching             

Natural Resources Management, Climate Change and Gender and Research Methods


Research interests                             

Fisheries and Pastoral Livelihoods Analysis, Gender and Climate Change, Resilience Assessment


Recent projects      

  1. The Role of Rural-Urban Linkages for Enhanced Climate Resilience in Rural Tanzania (RUL4CLI) (2022- 2027).
  2. Climate Change, Energy, Sustainability: Transformations and Governance (CENSU) (2021- 2026).
  3. Fisheries, Nutrition, Livelihoods, Gender and Rights in Tanzania (SAMAKI) (2021- 2026).
  4. Tanzania Partnership Program (TPP) (2008 - Onwards).


Recent publications   

  1. Ndaki, P. M., Erick, F., & Moshy, V. (2021). Challenges Posed by Climate Change and Non-Climate Factors on Conservation of Edible Orchid in Southern Highlands of Tanzania: The Case of Makete District. Journal of Global Ecology and Environment, 13(4), 144-167.
  2. Gasper Mung’ong’o, C., & Moshy, V. H. (2019). Poverty Levels and Vulnerability to Climate Change of Inshore Fisher- Mangrove-Dependent Communities of the Rufiji Delta, Tanzania. In Climate Change and Coastal Resources in Tanzania (pp. 69-91). Springer, Cham.
  3. Moshy, V. H. (2017). “There Is No Cultivable Land Here”: Food Security and the Politics of Coral Rag Cultivation in Jibondo Island, Tanzania. SAGE Open, 7(3), 2158244017717302.
  4. Moshy, V. H. and Bryceson, I. (2016). Seeing through fishers’ lenses: Exploring marine ecological changes within Mafia Island Marine Park, Tanzania. SAGE Open, (April-June), 1-18.
  5. Moshy, V. H. (2016). The effects of social-ecological changes on the livelihoods of fishing communities in Mafia Island, Tanzania. PhD Thesis submitted at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway.
  6. Moshy, V. H., Bryceson I. and Mwaipopo, R. (2015). Social-ecological changes, livelihoods and resilience among fishing communities in Mafia Island Marine Park. Forum for Development Studies, 42 (3), 529-553.
  7. Moshy, V. H., Masenge, T. J. & Bryceson, I. (2013). Undernutrition among under-five children in two fishing communities in Mafia Island Marine Park, Tanzania. Journal of Sustainable Development, 6(6), 1-14.