Senior Lecturer, University Of Dar Es Salaam School Of Economics

Bachelor/ MA in Economics Dar, PhD in Economics Nottingham, UK


Teaching the following to both undergraduate and postgraduate

  • Econometrics
  • International Economics
  • Economic Data Analysis
  • Labour Economics


  • Areas of: trade, trade policy reforms and regional integration
  • Labour markets analysis
  • Household survey analysis with focus on poverty and inequality
  • Political economy with focus on state effectiveness and social protection


  • Tax and benefit  microsimulation model for Tanzania (TAZMOD)
  • Tax and revenue mobilization
  • Assessing costs and benefits of enhancing basic education and health care delivery.


  1. Morrissey, O and V. Leyaro (2009), “Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Tanzania‟ in Kym Anderson and William A. Masters (eds): Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Africa’, The World Bank, Washington, D.C, March 2009
  2. Leyaro, V., O. Morrissey and T. Owens (2010), “Food Prices, Tax Reforms and Consumer Welfare in Tanzania 1990 – 2007”, International Tax and Public Finance, 17(4), 431-450.
  3. Leyaro, V (2012), “Protection and Determinants of Household Income in Tanzania 1990 - 2007”, Tanzania Economic Review, Vol. 2. No. 2.
  4. Leyaro, V (2013), “Food Prices, Tariffs and Household Welfare in Tanzania: Empirical Evidence from Dar es Salaam”, AERC Research Report
  5. Chegere, M., A. Kidane and V. Leyaro (2013), “Poverty Effects of Fuel and Food Price Changes in Tanzania” UTAFITI Journal, Vol. 10. No. 2.
  6. Ackah, C., V. Leyaro, and O. Morrissey (2014), “Trade, Tariffs, Growth and Poverty”, Edward Elgar, Handbook on Trade and Development
  7. Leyaro, V. (2014), “Trade Structure and Trade Costs: What Makes Sub-Saharan Africa Different”, Edward Elgar, Handbook on Trade and Development
  8. Leyaro, V (2014), “Political Institutions, Trade and Economic Growth in Sub Saharan Africa”, AERC Research Report
  9. Morrissey, O and V. Leyaro (2015), “Industrial Development in Tanzania: Reforms, Performance, and Issues”, Routledge, Handbook on Industrial Development.
  10. Arndt, C, V. Leyaro, K. Mahrt and F. Tarp, (2017), “Growth and Poverty: A Pragmatic Assessment and Future Prospects” in Christopher S. Adam, Paul Collier, and Benno Ndulu (eds): Tanzania: The Path to Prosperity, Oxford University Press, 2017. p.190 -13
  11. Arndt, C, V. Leyaro, K. Mahrt and F. Tarp, (2017), “Multidimensional Assessment of Child Welfare for Tanzania”, in Channing Arndt and Finn Tarp (eds): Measuring Poverty and Wellbeing in Developing Countries, Oxford University Press, 2017 p. 215 -41
  12. Wright, G, V. Leyaro, E. Kisanga and C.  Byaruhanga (2018), “Policy Transparency in the Public Sector: the case of Social Benefits in Tanzania”, (forthcoming) the International Journal of Microsimulation
  13. Bo Larsson, V.  Leyaro and E. Palmer (2019), “Harnessing a Young Nation's Demographic Dividends through a Universal NDC Pension Scheme – A Case Study of Tanzania”, in Robert Holzmann, Edward Palmer, Robert Palacios and Stefano Sacchi (eds):  Progress and Challenges of Nonfinancial Defined Pension Scheme, The World Bank, Washington, D.C, April 2019
  14. Atukunda, R., Leyaro, V., & Rudaheranwa, N. (2019). Sectoral Aid for Trade and sectoral export performance in East Africa. Journal of Economics and International Finance, 11(4), 38-51