Dr. Mussa I. Mgwatu
Director of Research and Publication.Welcome Note
Research and development is critical to national development in increasing productivity, improving livelihoods and stimulating economic growth. The Directorate of Research and Publication (DRP) strives to provide an environment for research activities that stimulates the competitive advantage for Tanzania economic growth. Our core functions include facilitating communication with stakeholders; creating and maintaining interdisciplinary research groups, research centres and professorial research chairs; facilitating research engagement; and creating and maintaining collaborative research links with industry, research institutions, local and foreign donors.
DRP implements its Five-Year Rolling Strategic Action Plan 2020/2021 - 2024/2025 to guide the Directorate in the execution of its activities towards realization of the UDSM Vision 2061. The Action Plan highlights DRP strategic objectives in response to UDSM Strategic Plan including to enhance research governance and management; prioritizes research agenda implementation; enhances research information management; strengthens research culture and competencies; strengthens the research infrastructure; and ensures sustainable research funding.
It is thus my pleasure to welcome you to visit the Website of the Directorate to get acquainted with a mix of information in respect of our functions, services and products. I hope you will find the information more interesting and helpful. By using this website, DRP is assured to be connected to its clients and stakeholders. We welcome you to share with us any noticed gaps that can be addressed for even more quality products and services.
We warmly welcome you all.
About DRP
The DRP is responsible for fostering attractive environment for research activities at UDSM. The Directorate of Research and Publication is accountable for overall coordination and monitoring of the quality and perfomance of research endevours at the University.
Functions and Services:
Specifically, the DRP is in charge of the following:
- Facilitate communication of all matters regarding Research and Publication activities to UDSM units;
- Facilitate creation and maintenance of interdisciplinary research groups and centres both internally and externally;
- Facilitate engagement, creation and maintenance of collaborative research links with industry, other research institutions, local donors, and foreign donors in a proactive way;
- Guide the activities with respect to Research and Publication by setting goals and standards, by supporting initiatives and new directions in these areas;
- Ensure transmission and implementation of decisions made by University organs;
- Liase with government departments, private and public sector organisations, donor agencies and education institutions on issues related to Research and Publication; and
- Promote research and publication culture to UDSM staff and students.
Services and Important Documents
Functions and Services
Specifically, the Directorate of Research and Public is in charge of the following:- Facilitate communication of all matters regarding Research and Publication activities to UDSM units;
- Facilitate creation and maintenance of interdisciplinary research groups and centres both internally and externally;
- Facilitate engagement, creation and maintenance of collaborative research links with industry, other research institutions, local donors, and foreign donors in a proactive way;
- Guide the activities with respect to Research and Publication by setting goals and standards, by supporting initiatives and new directions in these areas;
- Ensure transmission and implementation of decisions made by University organs;
- Liase with government departments, private and public sector organisations, donor agencies and education institutions on issues related to Research and Publication; and
- Promote research and publication culture to UDSM staff and students.
Publishing services
Dar es Salaam University Press (DUP) produces scholarly books, journals, conference proceedings, University reports, calendars, prospectuses, almanacs, project proposals, research agendas, inaugural lectures, policies and procedures, strategic plans, business plans, action plans, as well as Masters and PhD theses/dissertations. DUP also provides services related to publishing such as editing, proofreading, typesetting and graphic designing.
Research Information Management System (RIMS)
The UDSM RIMS is a web-based portal designed to manage research information at the University. The system has four modules, Grants & Proposals, Publications Vetting, Research Clearance and Research Project Management. UDSM RIMS was developed under the leadership of the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research.
UDSM RIMS will help staff & students to save time and effort making it easier to search for research information, apply for research clearances, register research proposals, submission of publications for vetting and apply for research grants.