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Certificate in Computer Science

Objectives and contents

This is a one-year non-degree evening programme leading to the award of Certificate in Computer Science. The academic year is organized in two semesters each of fifteen instruction weeks followed by two examinations weeks. The programme is made of several courses from the following areas: communication skills, mathematics, computer programming, data and information management, systems and architecture, profession and ethics, software design and development, and computer networks.  Specifically, the programme intends to:

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics

Students are required to take all the core courses. Shaded totals represent the minimum required credits per semester basing on the core courses. A student may choose one additional optional course from the list provided under a relevant semester and not from elsewhere.

Compulsory Second-Year Practical Training (AS 299) conducted for 8 weeks during the long vacation, i.e., outside the two classroom semesters, is not included in the total minimum/maximum count.

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