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(2, 'Bwathondi P.O.J.', 'Bwathondi P.O.J., and J. J. Kulekana 1986. Preliminary survey of the fishery of Mundu Dam. A man - made lake, Morogoro, Tanzania. Univ. Dar. Sc. Journal Vol. 12:101-105.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(3, 'Bwathondi P.O.J.', 'Bwathondi P.O.J., 1982. The aquaculture of rabbit fish Siganus canaliculatus Park 1979 and problems of cage culture in Tanzania. Univ. Dar. Journal Vol. 8 (1&2): 43:53. 17. Bwathondi P.O.J., 1984. Parasites of brown trout Salmo trutta L. in Strathberg, N. E. Scotland Dar. Sc. Journal. 10 (1&2): 129 - 152. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(4, 'Bwathondi P.O.J.', 'Bwathondi P.O.J. and Ngoile, M. A. K. 1982. Bivalve fouling floating cages used in aquaculture. Indian Journal Mar. Sciences. 11(3): 282-285.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(5, 'Bwathondi P.O.J.', 'Bwathondi P.O.J., 1982. The use of traps in the spiny lobster fishery in Tanzania J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India 17 (3): 702-706.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(6, 'Bwathondi P.O.J.', 'Bwathondi P.O.J. and Ngoile, M. A. K. 1980. First record of sunfish Mola mola in Kizimkazi, Zanzibar Tanzania. Univ. Dar. Sc. Journal. IV (1&2): 15-18.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(7, 'Bwathondi P.O.J', 'Bwathondi P.O.J., Effect of motor oil on growth development and food consumption of carb, Rhithropannopeus harrissiii (Gauld). Univ. Dar. Sc. Journal. VI (1&2): 1 - 13. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(8, 'Bwathondi, P.O.J', 'Bwathondi, P.O.J. 1979. The size composition of spiny lobsters off the coast of Tanzania. Univ. Dar. Sc. Journal. VI (1 &2): 51 - 58. 4', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(9, 'Bwathondi, P.O.J.', 'Bwathondi, P.O.J., 1970. The size composition of spiny lobsters off the coast of Tanzania. Univ. Dar. Sc. Journal. V (1 & 2): 4350.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(10, 'Bwathondi, P.O.J.', 'Bwathondi, P.O.J., 1977. Short notes on the infection of the Africa toad, Bufo regularis with the monogenean parasite Beauchampia alluaudi, Univ. Dar es Salaam Sc. Journal. V (1 & 2): 41 -44.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(11, 'Bwathondi, P.O.J', 'Bwathondi, P.O.J. Infection Trout Salmo trutta by Crepidostomum metoecus (Brown, 1960) in Lack of Strathberg, N.E. Scotland. Parasitology. 73(2)', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(12, 'Sankarankutty', 'Sankarankutty, C. & Bwathondi, P.O.J. 1972. On the early larval stages of Petrolisthes ohshimai (Miyake) (Decapoda). J. Mar. Boil. Ass. India 14 (2): 888 - 891', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(13, 'Bwathondi, P.O.J', 'Bwathondi, P.O.J. and Ngoile, M.A.K. 1982. Bivalves fouling floating cages used in fish aquaculture. Indian J. Mar. Sci. 11 (3): 283-285.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(14, 'Bwathondi, P.O.J', 'Ngoile, M.A.K. 1982. A review of the demersal fisheries of Tanzania. Univ. Sci. J. Dar es Salaam 8 (1&2):20-34.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(15, 'Bwathondi, P.O.J', 'Bwathondi, P.O.J., Ngoile, M.A.K. and Mohammed, S.M. 1981 Length-weight relationship of Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) and Siganus oramin (Bloch & Schnieder, 1801). Univ. Sci. J. Dar es Salaam 7(1&2): 71-76. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(16, 'Bwathondi, P.O.J', 'Bwathondi, P.O.J. and Ngoile, M.A.K. 1980. First record of the sunfish Mola mola (Linaeus) (Molidae) from Kizimkazi, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Univ. Sci. J., Dar es Salaam 6 (1&2): 15-18', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(17, 'Bwathondi, P.O.J', 'Ndaro, S.G.M. 1989. Study of the inshore cichlid fish potential of Lake Tanganyika around Kigoma, Tanzania. International Agricultural centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Fisheries and Agriculture Unit. Occas. Pap. (3) 1-8.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1970-1989'),
(18, 'Dubi, A. M.', 'Dubi, A. M. and J. Francis (1990). Wave climate Prediction in the Zanzibar Channel. Uhandisi Journal. Faculty of Engineering, University of Dar es Salaam Vol. 14 No.2, 51-60.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1990-1994'),
(19, 'Francis, J. ', 'Francis, J. (1992) Physical Processes in the Rufiji Delta and their Possible Implications on the Mangrove Ecosystem. Hydrobiologia 247:173-179.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1990-1994'),
(20, 'Ndaro, S.G.M.', 'Ndaro, S.G.M. 1992. Nearshore fish Resources and Fisheries around Kigoma, Eastern coast of Lake Tanganyika. Naga, ICLARM Q 15 (12) 35-38.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1990-1994'),
(21, 'Ngoile, M.A.K.', 'Ngoile, M.A.K. and Shunula, J.P. 1992 Status and exploitation of the mangrove and associated fishery resources in Zanzibar. Hydrobiologia 247: 229-234. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1990-1994'),
(22, 'Machiwa, J.F.', 'Machiwa, J.F. 1992. Anthropogenic pollution in the Dar es Salaam harbour area, Tanzania. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 24: 562-567 . ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1990-1994'),
(23, 'Machiwa, J.F.', 'Machiwa, J.F. 1992. Trace metals in coastal sediments off Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Environment International, 18: 409-415', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1990-1994'),
(24, 'Machiwa, J.F.', 'Machiwa, J.F., Mgaya, Y.D. and Ndaro, S.G.M., 1992. A preliminary consideration of the role of mangroves in nutrient and organic fluxes in the Rufiji delta system, Tanzania. East Africa Journal of Sciences, 1B(1): 15-27. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1990-1994'),
(25, 'Mgaya, Y.D.', 'Mgaya, Y.D., 1992. Density and production of Clinocottus globiceps and Oligocottus maculosus (Cottidae) in tidepools at Helby Island, British Columbia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 85: 219-225.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1990-1994'),
(26, 'Ngoile, M.A.K.', 'Ngoile, M.A.K. and J.C. Horrill, 1993. Coastal ecosystems, productivity and ecosystem protection: Coastal ecosystem management. Ambio Vol.22(7): 461 - 467.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1990-1994'),
(27, 'Mgaya, Y.D.', 'Mgaya, Y.D. and Mercer, J.P., 1994. A review of the biology, ecology, fisheries and mariculture of the abalone, Haliotis tuberculata Linnaeus 1758 (Gastropoda: Haliotidae). Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 94B(3): 285-304. \r\n', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1990-1994'),
(28, 'Mgaya, Y.D', 'Mgaya, Y.D., 1995. Age and growth analysis of the mosshead sculpin Clinocottus globiceps Girard from Helby Island, British Columbia. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 11(1-2): 50-59.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997 '),
(29, 'Mgaya, Y.D', 'Mgaya, Y.D., 1995. Synopsis of biological data on the European abalone (ormer), Haliotis tuberculata Linnaeus 1758 (Gastropoda: Haliotidae). FAO Fisheries Synopsis, 156: 1-28.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997 '),
(30, 'Mgaya, Y.D', 'Mgaya, Y.D. and Mercer, J.P., 1995. The effects of size grading and stocking density on growth performance of juvenile abalone, Haliotis tuberculata Linnaeus. Aquaculture, 136: 297-312', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997'),
(31, 'Mgaya, Y.D', 'Mgaya, Y.D. and Mercer, J.P., 1995. Characterisation of size variability and the effect of intraspecific competition on the development of size variation in the abalone, Haliotis tuberculata Linnaeus. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 95B(2): 77-86.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997'),
(32, 'Mgaya, Y.D', 'Mgaya, Y.D., Gosling, E.M., Mercer, J.P. and Donlon, J., 1995. Genetic variation at three polymorphic loci in wild and hatchery stocks of the abalone Haliotis tuberculata Linnaeus. Aquaculture, 136: 71-80.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997'),
(33, 'Machiwa, J.F', 'Machiwa, J.F. and Hallberg, R.O. 1995. Flora and crabs in a mangrove forest partly distorted by human activities, Zanzibar. Ambio 24: 492-496.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997'),
(34, 'Ndaro, S.G.M', 'Coughanowr, C, M.A.K. Ngoile and O. Linden. 1995. Coastal management in Eastern Africa including the Island States: a review of Issues and Initiatives. Ambio Vol. 24(7-8):448-457. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997'),
(35, 'Ndaro, S.G.M', 'Ndaro, S.G.M. & Olafsson, E. 1995. A note on the selection of Meiobenthic prey by Gerres oyena in a tropical lagoon in Eastern Africa. Ambio, 24: 517-519.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997'),
(36, 'Ndaro', 'Ndaro, S.G.M., S. Sjoling & E. Olafsson. 1995. Small-scale variation in major Meiofaunal taxa and sediment chemistry in Tropical sediments. Ambio, 24: 470-474. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997'),
(37, 'Olafsson', 'Olafsson, E., R.W. Johnstone & S.G.M. Ndaro. 1995. Effects of intensive seaweed farming on the meiobenthos in a tropical lagoon. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 191: 101-117.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997'),
(38, '', 'McClanahan, T.R., Kamukuru, A.T., Muthiga, N.A., Yebio, M.G. & Obura, D. (1996) Effects of sea urchin reductions on algae, coral and fish populations. Conservation Biology 10: 136-154.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997 '),
(39, '', 'Horrill, J.C., W.R.T. Darwall and M. Ngoile. 1996. Development of a marine protected area: Mafia Island, Tanzania. Ambio, XXV (1) Feb. 1996.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997 '),
(40, '', 'Olafsson, E. & S.G.M. Ndaro 1997. The Impact of the mangrove crabs Uca annulipes and Dotilla fenestrata on meiobenthos. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 158: 225-231. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997 '),
(41, '', 'Ngoile, M.A.K.,; Linden, O., 1997. Lessons Learned from Eastern Africa. The Development of Policy on ICZM at National and Regional Levels. Ocean and Coastal Management, Special Issue pg 297 - 318.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997 '),
(42, '', 'Bjork, M., Weil, A., Semesi, S., and Beer, S. 1997. Photosynthetic utilization of inorganic carbon by seagrasses from Zanzibar, East Africa. Marine Biology, 129:363-366. Marine Biology, 129:363-366.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997 '),
(43, '', 'Mgaya, Y.D., 1997. Global warming: a threat to human societies and natural ecosystems. Tanzania Journal of Science, 22&23: 65-74. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1995-1997 '),
(44, '', 'Kyewalyanga, M., J. Francis, and R. Johnstone (1998) The Development of a Scientifc Forum in the Western Indian Ocean Region. AMBIO. Vol. 27, No. 8, 774-778.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1998'),
(45, '', 'Semesi, A.K., Y.D. Mgaya, M.H.S. Muruke, J. Francis, M. Mtolera and G. Msumi (1998) Coastal Resources Utilization and Conservation Issues in Bagamoyo, Tanzania. AMBIO. Vol. 27, No. 8, 635-644', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1998'),
(46, '', 'Johnstone, R., C.A. Muhando, and J. Francis (1998) The Status of the Coral Reefs of Zanzibar: One Example of a Regional Predicament. AMBIO. Vol. 27, No. 8, 700-707.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1998'),
(47, '', 'Moffat, D., M.A.K. Ngoile, O. Linden, and J. Francis (1998) The Reality of the Stomach: Coastal Management at the Local Level in Eastern Africa. AMBIO. Vol. 27, No. 8, 590-598.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1998'),
(48, '', 'Moffat, D. , M. Ngoile, O. Linden and J. Francis, 1998. The reality of the stomach: Coastal management at the Local Level in Eastern Africa. Ambio, Vol. XXVII (8) 590 - 598.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1998'),
(49, '', 'Machiwa, J.F. 1998. Distribution and remineralization of organic carbon in sediments of a mangrove stand partly contaminated with sewage waste. Ambio 27: 740-744.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1998'),
(50, '', 'Semesi, A.K., Mgaya, Y.D., Muruke, M.H.S., Francis, J., Mtolera, M. and Msumi, G., 1998. Coastal resources utilization and conservation issues in Bagamoyo. Ambio, 27(8): 635-644.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1998'),
(51, '', 'Nzali, L.M., Johnstone, R. and Mgaya, Y.D., 1998. Factors affecting coral recruitment on a nearshore reef in Tanzania. Ambio, 27(8): 717-722', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1998'),
(52, '', 'Machiwa, J.F. 1999. Lateral fluxes of organic carbon in a mangrove forest partly contaminated with sewage waste. Mangroves and Salt marshes 3: 95-104.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1999'),
(53, '', 'Ndaro, S.G.M. and Olafsson, E. 1999. Soft-bottom meiofauna with emphasis on nematode assemblage structure in a tropical intertidal lagoon in eastern Africa: I. Spatial variability. Hydrobiologia, 405: 133-148.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1999'),
(54, '', 'McClanahan, T.R., Muthiga, N.A., Kamukuru, A.T., Machano, H. & Kiambo, R.W. (1999) The effects of marine parks and fishing on coral reefs of northern Tanzania. Biological Conservation 89: 161-182.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '1999'),
(55, '', '', '', ''),
(56, '', 'Mgaya, Y.D., 2000. A quantitative genetic analysis of juvenile growth for the abalone Haliotis tuberculata Linnaeus. Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology (Aquaculture), 4A: 59-73.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2000'),
(57, '', 'Machiwa, J.F. 2000. Heavy metals and organic pollutants in sediments of Dar es Salaam harbour prior to dredging in 1999. Tanzania Journal of Science 26: 29-45 ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2000'),
(58, '', 'Machiwa, J.F. 2000. 13C signatures of flora, macrofauna and sediment of a mangrove forest partly affected by sewage wastes. Tanzania Journal of Science 26: 15-27', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2000'),
(59, '', 'Olafsson, E., S. Carlstom & S.G.M. Ndaro. 2000. Meiobenthos of hypersaline tropical mangrove sediments in relation to spring tide inundation. Hydrobiologia, 426: 57-64 ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2000'),
(60, '', 'Kithaken, T. and S.G.M. Ndaro. 2002. Aspects of sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra (Jaeger, 1935), Along the Coast of Dar es Salaam. Western Indian Ocean J. Mar. Sci. Vol.1 No. 2pp 163-168. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2000'),
(61, '', 'Francis, J. and Lundgren, P. 2000. The Marine Science for Management (MASMA) Programme: Building on past experiences and facing new challenges. Currents Vol: 23/24: 26-30\r\n', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2000'),
(62, '', 'Mgaya, Y.D., 2001. Experimental spat collecting of the edible oyster, Saccostrea cucullata Born (Bivalvia) in the Kunduchi Creek, Dar es Salaam. Tanzania Journal of Science, 27A: 67-81. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2001'),
(63, '', 'Lugomela, C., Bergman, B. and Waterbury, J. (2001). Cyanobacterial diversity and nitrogen fixation in coastal areas around Zanzibar, Tanzania. Algological Studies 103: 95-116.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2001'),
(64, '', 'Mgaya, Y.D., 2001. Experimental spat collecting of the edible oyster, Saccostrea cucullata Born (Bivalvia) in the Kunduchi Creek, Dar es Salaam. Tanzania Journal of Science, 27A: 67-81.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2001'),
(65, '', 'Hartnoll, R.G., Cannicci, S., Emmerson, W.D., Fratini, S., Macia, A., Mgaya, Y., Porri, F., Ruwa, R.K., Shunula, J.P., Skov, M.W., Vannini, M., 2002. Geographic trends in mangrove crab abundance in East Africa. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 10: 203-213.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2002'),
(66, '', 'Guard, M. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2002. The artisanal fishery for Octopus cyanea Gray (1849) in Tanzania. Ambio, 31(7-8): 528-536.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2002'),
(67, '', 'Mfilinge PL, Atta N, Tsuchiya M (2002) Nutrient dynamics and leaf litter decomposition in a subtropical mangrove forest at Oura Bay, Okinawa, Japan. Trees Structure and Function 16:172-180', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2002'),
(68, '', 'Lugomela, C. and Bergman, B. (2002). Biological N2-fixation on mangrove pneumatophores: preliminary observations and perspectives. Ambio 31: 612-613. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2002'),
(69, '', 'Machiwa , J.F. and Hallberg, R.O. 2002. An empirical model of the fate of organic carbon in a mangrove forest partly affected by anthropogenic activity Ecological Modelling 147: 69-83 . ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2002'),
(70, '', 'T. Kithakeni and S.G.M. Ndaro (2002). Some Aspects of Sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra (Jaeger, 1935), along the Coast of Dar Es Salaam. Western Indian Ocean J. Mar. Sci. Vol. 1, No.2, pp. 163-168.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2002'),
(71, '', 'Francis, J., Nilsson, A., and Waruinge, D. 2002. Marine Protected Areas in Eastern African Region: How Successful are they? Ambio, Vol XXXI, No 7-8, 503-511', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2002'),
(72, '', 'Berg, H., Francis, J. and Souter, P. 2002. Support to Marine Research for Sustainable Management of Marine and Coastal Resources in Western Indian Ocean. Ambio, Vol XXXI, No 7-8, 597-601', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2002'),
(73, '', 'Mbije, N.E., Wagner, G.M., Francis, J. Ohman, M.C., and Bergman, K.C. 2002. 49(11):789-791 Patterns in the Distribution and Abundance of Hard Corals Around Zanzibar Island. Ambio, Vol XXXI, No 7-8, 609-611.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2002'),
(74, '', 'Lugomela, C., Lyimo, T.J., Bryceson, I., Semesi, A. and Bergman, B. (2002). Trichodesmium in coastal waters of Tanzania: diversity, seasonality, nitrogen and carbon fixation. Hydrobiologia 477: 1-13', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2002'),
(75, '', 'Chande, A.I. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2003. The fishery of Portunus pelagicus and species diversity of portunid crabs along the coast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 2(1): 75-84. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2003'),
(76, '', 'Teikwa, E.D. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2003. Abundance and reproductive biology of Penaeid prawns of Bagamoyo coastal waters, Tanzania. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 2(2): 117-126', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2003'),
(77, '', 'Mfilinge PL, Meziane T, Bachok Z, Tsuchiya M (2003) Fatty acids in decomposing mangrove leaves: microbial activity, decay and nutritional quality. Marine Ecology Progress Series 265:97-105.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2003'),
(78, '', 'Bachok Z, Mfilinge PL, Tsuchiya M (2003) The diet of the mud clam Geloina coaxans (Mollusca, Bivalvia) as indicated by fatty acid markers in a subtropical mangrove forest of Okinawa, Japan. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 292:187-197.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2003'),
(79, '', 'Lundgren, P., Bauer, K., Lugomela, C., Soderback, E. and Bergman, B. (2003). Re-evaluation of the nitrogen fixation behavior in the marine non-heterocystous cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula. Journal of Phycology 39: 310-314.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2003'),
(80, '', 'El-Shehawy, R., Lugomela, C., Ernest, A. and Bergman, B. (2003). Diurnal expression of hetR and diazocyte development in the filamentous nonheterocystous cyanobacterium Trichodesmium spp. Microbiology 149: 1139-1146.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2003'),
(81, '', 'Kishe, M.A. and Machiwa, J.F. 2003. Distribution of heavy metals in sediments of Mwanza Gulf of Lake Victoria, Tanzania. Environment International 28: 619-625', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2003'),
(82, '', 'Mremi, S.D. and Machiwa, J.F. 2003. Heavy metal contamination of mangrove sediments and the associated biota in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science 29 (No 1): 61-76', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2003'),
(83, '', 'Machiwa, J.F. 2003. Metal concentrations in sediment and fish of Lake Victoria near and away from catchments with gold mining activities. Tanzania Journal of Science 29 (No.2): 43-54', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2003'),
(84, '', 'Machiwa, J.F. 2003. Concentrations of metals in river sediment and wetland vegetation in mining sites, Lake Victoria basin, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science 29(No.2): 81-88.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2003'),
(85, '', 'Kamukuru, A.T. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2004. The food and feeding habits of blackspot snapper, Lutjanus fulviflamma (Pisces: Lutjanidae) in shallow waters of Mafia Island, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology, 42(1): 49-58. \r\n', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2004'),
(86, '', 'Kuguru, B.L., Mgaya, Y.D., Ohman, M.C., and Wagner, G.M., 2004. The reef environment and competitive success in the Corallimorpharia. Marine Biology (Berlin), 145: 875-884.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2004'),
(87, '', 'Chande, A.I. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2004. Food habits of the blue swimming crab Portunus pelagicus along the coast of Dar es Salaam. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 3(1): 37-42', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2004'),
(88, '', 'Kamukuru, A.T. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2004. Effects of exploitation on reproductive capacity of blackspot snapper, Lutjanus fulviflamma (Pisces: Lutjanidae) in Mafia Island, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology, 42: 270-280. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2004'),
(89, '', 'Kamukuru, A.T., Mgaya, Y.D. and Ohman, M., 2004. Evaluating a marine protected area in a developing country: Mafia Island Marine Park, Tanzania. Ocean and Coastal Management, 47(7-8): 321-337.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2004'),
(90, '', 'Mmbaga, T.K. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2004. Sea cucumber fishery in Tanzania: Identifying the gaps in resource inventory and management. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, 463: 193-203. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2004'),
(91, '', 'Islam S, Mfilinge PL, Tsuchiya M. (2004) Status of organic and inorganic nutrients in waters and sediments at the habitats of the mangrove sesarmid crabs from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Bulletin of the Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus 78:327-356', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2004'),
(92, '', 'Machiwa, J.F., Lugomela, C. and Muzuka, A.N.N. (2004). Phytoplankton and Nutrients studies in Magu Bay, Lake Victoria (Tanzania) following the 2001 principal rain season. Tanzania Journal of Science, 30: 33-42.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2004'),
(93, '', 'Mwita, C.J. and Nkwengulila, G. (2004) Parasites of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) from the Mwanza Gulf, Lake Victoria. Tanzania Journal of Science, 30(1): 53- 62.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2004'),
(94, '', 'Nkwengulila, G. and Mwita, C.J. (2004) Spatial distribution of parasites along the gut of the catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) (Clariidae) from the Mwanza Gulf, Lake Victoria. Tanzania Journal of Science, 30(1): 63-70.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2004'),
(95, '', 'Machiwa, J.F. 2004. Total mercury concentration in common fish species of Lake Victoria, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science 30 (2): 11 - 20 \r\n', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2004'),
(96, '', 'Ngoye, E. and Machiwa, J.F. 2004. The influence of land-use patterns in the Ruvu River watershed on water quality in the river system. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 29: 1161-1166.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2004'),
(97, '', 'Tamatamah, R.A., 2004. Phosphorus sorption characteristics of sediment in the Simiyu and Kagera River basins: Implications for Phosphorus loading into Lake Victoria. African Journal of Aquatic Sciences 29(2): 243-248', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2004'),
(98, '', 'Francis, J. and Torell, E. 2004. Human dimensions of coastal management in the Western Indian Ocean region. Ocean and Coastal Management, Vol 47, No 7-8, 299 -307', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2004'),
(99, '', 'Kamukuru, A.T. Hecht, T. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2005. Effects of exploitation on age, growth and mortality of the blackspot snapper, Lutjanus fulviflamma (Lutjanidae) in Mafia Island, Tanzania. Journal of Fisheries Management and Ecology, 12: 45-55. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2005'),
(100, '', 'Lugendo, B.R., Pronker, A., Cornelissen, I., de Groene, A., Nagelkerken, I., Dorenbosch, M., der Velde, G., and Mgaya, Y.D., 2005. Habitat utilisation by juveniles of commercially important fish species in a marine embayment in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Aquatic Living Resources, 18: 149-158', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2005'),
(101, '', 'Mfilinge PL, Meziane T, Bachok Z, Tsuchiya M. (2005) Litter dynamics and particulate organic matter outwelling from a subtropical mangrove in Okinawa Island, South Japan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 63:301-313.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2005'),
(102, '', 'Mfilinge PL, Meziane T, Bachok Z, Tsuchiya M. (2005) Total lipid and fatty acid classes in decomposing mangrove leaves of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Kandelia candel: significance with respect to lipid input. Journal of Oceanography 61:613-622. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2005'),
(103, '', 'Lugomela, C., Soderback, E. and Bjork, M. (2005). Photosynthesis rates in cyanobacteria dominated sub-tidal biofilms near Zanzibar, Tanzania. Estuarine, Costal and Shelf Science, 63: 439-446.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2005'),
(104, '', 'Muzuka, A.N.N., Machiwa, J.F., Lugomela, C. (2005). Recent trends in accumulation rate, elemental and isotopic composition of organic matter in the Magu Bay, Lake Victoria. Tanzania Journal of Science 31(1): 23-34. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2005'),
(105, '', 'Arakaki, T., H. Fujimura, A. M. Hamdun, K. Okada, H. Kondo, and T. Oomori, Simultaneous Measurement of Hydrogen Peroxide and Fe Species (Fe (II)and Fe (tot) ) in Okinawa Island Seawater: Impact of Red Soil Pollution, Journal of Oceanography, 61,pp. 561-568 (2005)', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2005'),
(106, '', 'Taylor, H, Appleton, J.D, Lister, R., Smith, B., Chitamweba, D., Mkumbo, O., Machiwa, J.F., Tesha, A.L. and Beinhoff, C. 2005. Environmental assessment of mercury contamination from the Rwamagasa artisanal gold mining centre, Geita District, Tanzania. Science of the Total Environment 343: 111-133 ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2005'),
(107, '', 'Machiwa J.F. 2005. Metals in Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and Suspended ParticulateMatter from Lake Victoria, Tanzania. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A 40 (9): 1809 -1822.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2005'),
(108, '', 'Tamatamah, R.A., Hecky, R.E, and Duthie, H.C., 2005. The atmospheric deposition of phosphorus in Lake Victoria (East Africa). Biogeochemistry 73: 325-433', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2005'),
(109, '', 'Tamatamah, R.A., 2005. Phosphorus sorption in relation to soil grain size and geochemical composition in the Simiyu and Kagera basins, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science 31 (2): 31-40.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2005'),
(110, '', 'Amir, O.A., Bergren, P., Ndaro, S.G.M. and Narrimani, J. 2005. Feeding Ecology of the Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops aduncus Incidentally caught in Gillnet Fisheries in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 63: 429-437pg', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2005'),
(111, '', 'Kamukuru, A.T. (2005) Using otolith weight to estimate total mortality of blackspot snapper, Lutjanus fulviflamma (Lutjanidae) at Mafia Island, Tanzania. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 4: 211-217', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2005'),
(112, '', 'J. Francis, J. Tobey, and E. Torell 2006. Balancing Development and Conservation Needs in the Western Indian Ocean Region. Ocean and Coastal Management Volume 49(11):789-791', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(113, '', 'Lugomela, C., Pratap, H.B. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2006. Cyanobacteria blooms a possible cause of mass mortality of Lesser Flamingos in Lake Manyara and Lake Big Momela, Tanzania. Harmful Algae 5: 534-541', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(114, '', 'Lugendo, B.R., Nagelkerken, I., der Velde, G., and Mgaya, Y.D., 2006. The importance of mangroves, mud/sand flats and seagrass beds as feeding areas for juvenile fishes in Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar: gut content and stable isotope analysis. Journal of Fish Biology 69: 1639-1661.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(115, '', 'Kimirei, I.A. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2006. Assessment of the status of Lates stappersii (Centropomidae) stock in lift-net fishery in Lake Tanganyika, Kigoma, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science 32(2): 1-12.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(116, '', 'Mwita, C.J., Nkwengulila, G. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2006. Lake Victoria parasites of clariid fishes 18S ribosomal nucleotide sequences. GeneBank, Acc. No. DQ813444-DQ813465. In:
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(117, '', 'Mwita, C.J., Nkwengulila, G. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2006. Lake Victoria parasites of clariid
fishes cyt. b.nucleotide sequences. GeneBank, Acc. No. DQ646345-DQ646374. In: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(118, '', 'Daniel Shilla, Takashi Asaeda, Takeshi Fujino, Brian Sanderson., 2006. Decomposition of dominant submerged macrophytes: Implications for nutrient release in Myall Lake, NSW, Australia. Wetlands Ecology and Management. 14 (5):427-433', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(119, '', 'Shilla, D. A., Takashi, A., Kian, S., Hemantha L. R., Manatunge, J., 2006. Phosphorus concentration in sediment, water and tissues of three submerged macrophytes of Myall Lake, Australia. Wetlands Ecol Manage. 14 (6):549-558', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(120, '', 'Bachok Z, Mfilinge PL, Tsuchiya M. (2006) Characterization of fatty acid composition in healthy and bleached corals from Okinawa, Japan. Coral Reefs 25(4):545-554', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(121, '', 'Bachok Z, Mfilinge PL, Tsuchiya M (2006) Food sources of coexisting suspension- feeding bivalves as indicated by fatty acid biomarkers, subjected to the bivalve abundances on a tidal flat. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management 1 (1):92-111', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(122, '', 'Lugomela, C., Pratap H.B and Mgaya, Y.D. (2006). Cyanobacteria blooms - a possible cause of mass mortality of Lesser Flamingos in Lake Manyara and Lake Big Momela, Tanzania. Harmful Algae. 5: 534-541.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(123, '', 'Lugomela, C. (2006). Autecology of the toxic dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus toxicus Adachi et Fukuyo (Dinophyceae) in central coastal areas of Tanzania. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science. 5: 213-221.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(124, '', 'Lyimo, T.J., Mvungi, E.F., Lugomela, C., Bjork, M. (2006). Seagrass biomass and productivity in seaweed and non-seaweed farming areas in the east coast of Zanzibar. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science. 5: 141-152. \r\n', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(125, '', 'Lyimo, T.J. and Lugomela, C. (2006). Nitrogenase activity in intertidal sediment along the Tanzanian Coast, Western Indian Ocean. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science. 5: 133-140.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(126, '', 'Tamatamah, R.A., Hecky, R.E, and Duthie, H.C., 2006. Phosphorus and suspended sediment loading from two rivers flowing into Lake Victoria in Tanzania. Verh. Verein. Theor. Angew. Limnol. 29 (3): 1697-1701.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(127, '', 'Nguli M M., Rydberg, L. and Francis, J. Francis. 2006. Estimate of water residence times in Tudor Creek, Kenya based on sea surface heat fluxes and observations of the horizontal temperature gradient during different seasons. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 5(2): 163-178 ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2006'),
(128, '', '', '', ''),
(129, '', 'Lugendo, B.R., Nagelkerken, I., Jiddawi, N., Mgaya, Y.D. and van der Velde, G. 2007. Fish community composition of a tropical non-estuarine embayment in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Fisheries Science 73: 1213-1223.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(130, '', 'Lugendo, B.R., Nagelkerken, I., Kruitwagen, G., van der Velde, G. and Mgaya, Y.D. 2007. The relative importance of mangroves as feeding habitats for fishes: A comparison among mangrove habitats with different settings. Bulletin of Marine Science 80(3): 497-512.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(131, '', 'Lugendo, B.R., de Groene, A., , Cornelissen, I., Pronker, A., Nagelkerken, I., der Velde, G., and Mgaya, Y.D., 2007. Spatial and temporal variation in fish community of a marine embayment in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Hydrobiologia 586: 1-16. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(132, '', 'Kimirei, I.A. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2007. Influence of environmental factors on seasonal changes in clupeid catches in the Kigoma area of Lake Tanganyika. African Journal of Aquatic Science 32(3): 291-298. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(133, '', 'Kaaya, L-T., Lugomela, C. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2007. Spatial and temporal variations in phytoplankton species composition, abundance, biomass and productivity in the selected Momela Lakes, Arusha, Tanzania. Discovery and Innovation 19: 25-31.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(134, '', 'Meziane T, Lee SY, Mfilinge PL, Shin PKS, Lam MHW, Tsuchiya M. (2007) Inter-specific and geographical variations in fatty acid composition of mangrove leaves: implications for using fatty acids as trophic tracers. Marine Biology 150:1103-1113.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(135, '', 'Mchenga IS, Mfilinge PL, Tsuchiya M. (2007) Bioturbation activity by the grapsid crab Helice formosensis and its effects on mangrove sedimentary organic matter. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 73:316-324.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(136, '', 'Lugomela, C. (2007). Noctiluca scintillans (Dinophyceae) in central coastal waters of Tanzania: a new phytoplankton record in the area. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science. 6: 117-124.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(137, '', 'Kruitwagen G, Nagelkerken I, Lugendo BR, Pratap HB & Wendelaar Bonga SE. 2007. Influence of morphology and amphibious life-style on the feeding ecology of the mudskipper Periophthalmus argentilineatus. Journal of Fish Biology 71: 39-52.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(138, '', 'Lugendo BR, Nagelkerken I, Jiddawi N, van der Velde G & Mgaya YD. 2007. Fish community composition of a tropical non-estuarine embayment in Zanzibar (Tanzania). Fisheries Science 73:1213-1223. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(139, '', 'Lugendo BR, Nagelkerken I, Kruitwagen G, van der Velde G & Mgaya YD. 2007. The relative importance of mangroves as feeding habitat for juvenile fishes: a comparison on mangrove habitats with different settings. Bulletin of Marine Science 80(3): 497-512.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(140, '', 'Lugendo BR, de Groene A, Cornelissen I, Pronker A, Nagelkerken I, van der Velde G & Mgaya YD. 2007. Spatial and temporal variation in fish community structure of a marine embayment in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Hydrobiologia 586: 1-16.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(141, '', 'Mtanga A. and Machiwa J.F. 2007. Heavy metal pollution levels in water and oysters, Saccostrea cucullata, from Mzinga Creek and Ras Dege mangrove ecosystems, Tanzania. African Journal of Aquatic Science 32 (3): 235 - 244 ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(142, '', 'Mtanga, A. and Machiwa, J.F. 2007. Assessment of heavy metal pollution in sediment and polychaete worms from the Mzinga Creek and Ras Dege mangrove ecosystems, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Western Indian Ocean J. Mar. Sci. 6(2) 125 -135.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(143, '', 'De la Torre-Castro M., Ochiewo M.J., Kithakeni Mbaga T. & Pinault M. (2007). A framework for addressing socio-economic and management aspects of sea cucumber resources in the Western Indian Ocean. SPC Beche de mer Information Bulletin 25: 22 -28.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(144, '', 'R.aes, M., M. De Troch, S.G.M. Ndaro, A. Vannruesel and A. Muthumbi. 2007. The structuring role of microhabitat type in coral degradation zones: a case study of nematodes from Kenya and Zanzibar. Journal of Coral Reef Research. 26: 113-126. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(145, '', 'Lamtane, H.A., H.B. Pratap and S.M.G. Ndaro. 2007. Reproductive Biology of Gerres oyena (Pisces: Gerreidae) Along the Bagamoyo Coast, Tanzania. Western Indian J. Mar. Sci. Vol.6, No. 1 pp 29-35.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2007'),
(146, '', '', '', ''),
(147, '', 'Lyimo, T.J., Mvungi, E.F. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2008. Abundance and diversity of seagrass and macrofauna in the inter-tidal areas with and without seaweed farming activities in the east coast of Zanzibar. Tanzania Journal of Science 34: 41-52.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2008'),
(148, '', 'Kimirei, I.A. and Mgaya, Y.D. and Chande, A.I., 2008. Changes in species composition and abundance of commercially important fish population in Kigoma Area, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 11(1): 29-35.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2008'),
(149, '', 'Martin, K., Aloyce W. M., Takashi A., and Shilla D. A., 2008. Modelling faecal streptococci mortality in constructed wetlands implanted with Eichhornia crassipes. Wetlands Ecology and Management. 16 (6) 499-510.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2008'),
(150, '', 'Shilla, D. A., and Dativa Joseph, 2008. Biomass dynamics of charophyte-dominated submerged macrophyte communities in Myall Lake, NSW, Australia. Chemistry and Ecology 24 (5):367 - 377', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2008'),
(151, '', 'Shilla, D. A., Qadah, D., Kalibbala, M., 2008. Distribution of heavy metals in dissolved, particulate and biota in the Scheldt estuary, Belgium. Journal of Chemistry and Ecology. 24 (1):61 - 74.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2008'),
(152, '', ' Mfilinge PL, Tsuchiya M. (2008) Effect of temperature on leaf litter consumption by grapsid crabs in a subtropical mangrove (Okinawa, Japan). Journal of Sea Research 59:94-102.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2008'),
(153, '', 'Bauer, K., Diez, B., Lugomela, C., Seppalla, S., Borg, A.J. and Bergman, B. (2008). Variability in benthic diazotrophy and cyanobacterial diversity in a tropical intertidal lagoon. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 63: 205-221. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2008'),
(154, '', 'Mwita, C.J. and Nkwengulila, G. (2008) Molecular phylogeny of the Clariid fishes of Lake Victoria, Tanzania, inferred from cytochrome b DNA sequences. Journal of Fish Biology, 73:1139-1148. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2008'),
(155, '', 'Mwita, C.J. and Nkwengulila, G. (2008) Determinants of the parasite community of clariid fishes from Lake Victoria, Tanzania. Journal of Helminthology, 82: 7-16.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2008'),
(156, '', 'Hiroyuki Fujimura, Tomihiko Higuchi, Kazuyo Shiroma, Takemitsu Arakaki, Asha Mansour Hamdun, Yoshikatsu Nakano, Tamotsu Oomori, 2008. Continuous-flow completemixing system for assessing the effects of environmental factors on colony-level coral metabolism, J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 70, 865-872 (2008). ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2008'),
(157, '', 'Ideva, RJ., Machiwa, J. Schiemer F and Hein, T. 2008. Effect of an impoundment on nutrient dynamics in the Kihansi River, Tanzania. African J. Aquatic Sci. 33: 181-188.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2008'),
(158, '', 'Vousden, LEP Scott, W. Sauer, T.G. Bornman, M. Ngoile, J. Stapley and J.R.E. Lutjeharms. 2008. Establishing a basis for the ecosystem management in the western Indian Ocean. South African Journal of Science, 104: 417-420 pp.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2008'),
(159, '', 'Gheerardyn, H., M. De Troch, S.G.M. Ndaro, M. Raes, M. Vincx and A. Vanreusel. 2008. Community Structure and microhabitat preferences of Harpacticoid copepods in a tropical reef lagoon (Zanziibar Island, Tanzania). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 88(4) 747-758.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2008'),
(160, '', 'Kibwage, J., P.O. Onyango and H. Bakamwesigwa. 2008. Local Institutions for sustaining Wetland resources and community Livelihoods in the Lake Victoria basin. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 2 (5):97-106.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2008'),
(161, '', 'Mwandya, A.W., Gullstrom, M., A hman, M.C., Andersson, M.H. and Mgaya, Y.D., 2009. Fish assemblages in Tanzanian mangrove creek systems influenced by solar salt farm constructions. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 82: 193-200', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2009'),
(162, '', 'Daniel Abel Shilla, Takashi Asaeda, Martin Kalibbala., 2009. Phosphorus speciation in Myall Lake sediment, NSW, Australia. Wetlands Ecology and Management 17 (2):85-91.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2009'),
(163, '', 'Semesi, I. S, Beer, S. and Bjork, M. 2009. Seagrass photosynthesis controls rates of calcification and photosynthesis in calcareous macroalgae. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 382: 41-47. \r\n', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2009'),
(164, '', 'Semesi, I. S, Kangwe, J. and Bjork, M. 2009. Calcification and Photosynthetic Responses of a Coralline Alga to Changes in Seawater pH and Elevated CO2. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 84: 337-341', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2009'),
(165, '', 'Mamboya F., Lugomela, C., Mvungi, E., Hamisi, M., Kamukuru, A.T. and Lyimo, T.J. (2009) Seagrass - sea urchin interaction in shallow littoral zones of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 19: 19 - 26', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2009'),
(166, '', 'Bachok Z, Meziane T, Mfilinge PL, Tsuchiya M. (2009) Fatty acid markers as an indicator of temporal changes in food sources of the bivalve Quidnipagus palatum. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 12: (4) 390-400.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2009'),
(167, '', 'Gaspare L., Machiwa, J.F., Mdachi, SJ.M., Streck, G. and Brack, W. 2009 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) contamination of surface sediments and oysters from the intertidal areas of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Environmental Pollution 157: 24-34', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2009'),
(168, '', 'Gil Penha-Lopes, Fabrizio Bartolini, Samwel Limbu, Stefano Cannicci, Erik Kristensen and Jose Paula (2009). Are fiddler crabs potentially useful ecosystem engineers in mangrove wastewater wetlands? Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58:1694-1703. \r\n', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2009'),
(169, '', 'Fabrizio Bartolini, Gil Penha-Lopes, Samwel Limbu, Jose-Paula, and Stefano Cannicci (2009). Behavioural responses of the mangrove fiddler crabs (Uca annulipes and U. inversa) to urban sewage loadings: Results of a mesocosm approach. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58:1860-1867.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2009'),
(170, '', 'Kamukuru, A.T. (2009) Trap fishery and reproductive biology of a whitespotted rabbitfish, Siganus sutor (Siganidae) within the Dar es Salaam Marine Reserves. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science. 8: 75-86. \r\n', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2009'),
(171, '', 'Mamboya, F., Lugomela, C., Mvungi, E., Hamisi, M., Kamukuru, A.T. & Lyimo, T.J. (2009) Seagrass-sea urchin interaction in shallow littoral zones of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. (Published online) DOI: 10.1002/aqc.1020.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2009'),
(172, '', 'McClanahan, T.R., Cinner, J., Kamukuru, A.T., Abunge, C. & Ndagala, J. (2009) Management preferences, perceived benefits and conflicts among resource users and managers in the Mafia Island Marine Park, Tanzania. Environmental Conservation 35: 340-350', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2009'),
(173, '', 'McClanahan, T.R., Muthiga, N.A., Maina, J., Kamukuru, A.T. & Yahya, S. (2009) Changes in northern Tanzania coral reefs during a period of increased fisheries management and climatic disturbance. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. (Published online) DOI: 10.1002/aqc.1041', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2009'),
(174, '', 'Onyango, P. O. 2009. Re-configuring Poverty: The Wickedness Perspective. African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries 12: 37-46. ISBN 9970-713-06-6\r\n', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2009'),
(175, '', 'Penha-Lopes, G., Bartolini, F., Limbu, S., Cannicci, S., Mgaya, Y., Kristensen, E. and Paula, J., 2010. Ecosystem engineering potential of the gastropod Terebralia palustris (Linnaeus, 1767) in mangrove wastewater wetlands - A controlled mesocosm experiment. Environmental Pollution 158: 258-266.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
(176, '', 'Mwandya, A.W., Mgaya, Y.D., Ohman M.C., Bryceson, I., and Gullstrom, M., 2010. Distribution patterns of the striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) in mangrove creeks of Zanzibar, Tanzania. African Journal of Marine Science 32(1): 85-93. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
(177, '', 'Kruitwagen, G., Nagelkerken, I., Lugendo, B.R., Mgaya, Y.D. and Wendelaar Bonga, S.E., 2010. Importance of different carbon sources for macroinvertebrates and fishes of an interlinked mangrove-mudflat ecosystem (Tanzania). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88: 464-472', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
(178, '', 'Mwita, C.J. and Nkwengulila, G. (2010) Phylogenetic relationship of the metazoan parasites of the Clariid fishes of Lake Victoria inferred from partial 18s rDNA sequences. Tanzania Journal of Science, 36: 47-58.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
(179, '', 'Kruitwagen G, Nagelkerken I, Lugendo BR, Mgaya YD & Wendelaar Bonga SE. 2010. Importance of different carbon sources for macroinvertebrates and fishes of an interlinked mangrove-mudflat ecosystem (Tanzania). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.88:464-472.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010');
(180, '', 'Arakaki, T, A. M., Hamdun, M.Uehara, and K. Okada, Photochemical Formation of Hydroxyl Radical in Red- Soil Polluted-Seawater on the north of Okinawa island, Japan, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 209, 191-198 (2010).', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
(181, '', 'Machiwa, J.F. 2010 Nature of suspended particulate matter and concentration of Heavy metals in sediment in the southern part of Lake Victoria, East Africa. African Journal of Aquatic Science 35(1): 95-101.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
(182, '', 'Machiwa, J.F. 2010 Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures of organic matter sources in the southern part of Lake Victoria. Journal of Great Lakes Research 36:1 - 8. \r\n', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
(183, '', 'Machiwa, J.F. 2010 Heavy metal levels in paddy soils and rice (Oryza sativa (L)) from wetlands of Lake Victoria Basin, Tanzania.. Tanzania Journal of Science 36: 59-72. ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
(184, '', 'Machiwa, J.F. 2010 Coastal marine pollution in Dar es Salaam (TANZANIA) relative to recommended environmental quality targets for the Western Indian Ocean. WIO Journal of Marine Science 9: 303 -312.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
(185, '', 'Gil Penha-Lopes, Fabrizio Bartolini, Samwel Limbu, Stefano Cannicci, Yunus Mgaya, Erik Kristensen, Jose Paula (2010). Ecosystem engineering potential of the gastropod Terebralia palustris (Linnaeus, 1767) in mangrove wastewater wetlands -A controlled mesocosm experiment. Environmental Pollution, 158: 258-266.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
(186, '', 'Chircop, A., Francis, J.; Van Der Elst, R., Pacule, H., Guerreiro, J., Grilo, C., and Carneiro, G. 2010. Governance of Marine Protected Areas in East Africa: A Comparative Study of Mozambique, South Africa, and Tanzania, Ocean Development & International Law, 1521-0642, Volume 41, Issue 1, 2010, 1 -33 ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
(187, '', 'Squillante, L.J., Ricci, G., Francis, J. and Sisitka. 2010. Innovations in Capacity Building: Certification of Marine Protected Area Professionals. Coastal Management, 38:272-290 ', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
(188, '', 'Haws, M., Crawford, B., Portella, M.C., Ellis, S., Jiddawi, N., Mmochi, A., Gaxiola-Camacho, E., Rodriguez-Dominguez, G., Rodriguez, G., Francis, J., Leclair, C., Coze, A.S., Hernandez, N., Sandoval, E., Jaroszewska, M. and Dabrowski, K. 2010. Aquaculture Research and Development as an Entry-Point and Contributor to Natural Resources and Coastal Management. Coastal Management, 38: 3, 238- 261', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
(189, '', 'Mahongo, S.B. and Francis, J. 2010. Monthly Variations of Sea Level at the Island of Zanzibar. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science: 9(1): 1-16', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
(190, '', 'Onyango, P. O. and S. Jentoft 2010. Assessing poverty in small-scale fisheries in Lake Victoria, Tanzania. Fish and Fisheries 11: 250-263. ISSN: 1467-2979. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-2979.2010.00378.x. Also available here:- http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-2979.2010.00378.x/full.', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
(191, '', 'Jentoft, S., P. O. Onyango and M. M. Islam 2010. Freedom and Poverty in the Fishery Commons. International Journal of the Commons 4 (1): 345-366. ISSN: 1875-0281. Also available here http://www.thecommonsjournal.org/index.php/ijc/article/view/157/116', 'Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology', '2010'),
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