B.Eng. Architecture and Building Eng., Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, M.Eng. Architecture, University of Tokyo, Japan, PhD Architecture, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Her recent research works include:
Raising Voices through Design Charrette: Contextualization of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Terminals and Stations by Neighbourhood Context and Needs under the Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods http://www.centreforsustainablecities.ac.uk/news/raising-voices-through-design-charrette-contextualization-of-bus-rapid-transit-brt-terminals-and-intermediate-bus-stops-stations-by-neighborhood-context-and-needs/
She is a researcher in the Female Academic Leadership Network for Conscious Engineering and Science towards Sustainable Urbanisation - FALCONESS
Her most recent publications include: