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Title: Dr
Name: Juma Rashidi Kiduanga
College/School/Division: Institute of Development Studies
Role: Senior Lecturer
Current Summarised CV:

Dr. Juma Kiduanga is a Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Development Studies. He holds Ph.D. in Development Studies from the University of Dar es Salaam writing his doctoral thesis in Rental Housing in Dar es Salaam City. As a scholar, he has been conducting researches on urbanization and land management in Tanzania and published a number of articles   in international and local journals.  He is co-author     of the book titled Urban Poverty as Inequalities and Capability Deprivations in Africa. The Case of Dar es Salaam. He worked on a number of research projects as a Principal Investigator. Among the research projects implemented include Land Management, Urban Governance and Leadership: The Future of Urban Tanzania (UrbTan) funded by DANIDA. The Impact of Structural Adjustment Programmes on Rental Housing in Dar es Salaam and Mbeya Cities funded by OSSREA, and Community Disaster Management Capacity in Informal Settlements of Mwanza City, Tanzania funded by SIDA/SAREC. Since 2017 he has been appointed to coordinate the UDSM Core Team for the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) collaborative research group in Urbanization and Habitable Cities. As a member of Tanzania Urbanization Laboratory (TULab) he has been involved in providing his expertise in the field of urbanization to the two institutions coordinating TULab in Tanzania namely, the Ministry of Finance and Planning and Economic and Social Research Foundation. As a member of academic staff of  IDS  he teaches   Political Economy , Rural and Urban Development courses   and  supervises Ph. D  students   writing their research works in the areas  of energy, transport, housing and land in urban areas

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