PhD (Linguistics) University of Dar es Salaam (2020) M.A (Linguistics) University of Dar es Salaam (2009) M.A (French as a foreign language) Université Stendhal, Grenoble 3, France (2012) BA with Education, University of Dar es Salaam (2004)
French Morphology and Syntax
Discourse Analysis
French Morphology and Syntax
Discourse Analysis
1. Amani Lusekelo & Jonas Manyasa. (2022). "Doing Gender" in the First-Names of Persons in Nyamwezi and Sukuma. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 19 (2), 35-52.
2. Jonace Manyasa (2021). When Language Transfer is Negative: Analysis of Morpho-Syntactic Interference Errors by Learners of French in Tanzanian Higher Learning Institutions. Journal for Foreign Languages 13 (1), 165-190
3. Jonace Manyasa (2020). Analysis of French grammatical gender errors committed by learners in Tanzanian universities. Journal for Foreign Languages 11 (1), 65-86
4. Jonace Manyasa (2019). Analysis of French grammatical gender errors committed by learners in Tanzanian universities, Journal for Foreign Languages 11 (1), 65-86.