BA (Education), M.A (Linguistics), University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, PhD (African Linguistics), University of Bayreuth, Germany
Swahili Morphology, Swahili Syntax, Swahili Semantics, and Swahili Lexicography. Dr Charwi’s Research interest/ Consultancy and Area of specialization is Bantu Linguistics; more specific: Bantu Morphosyntax, Swahili Morphology, Swahili Syntax, Swahili Semantics and Pragmatics
Swahili Morphology, Swahili Syntax, Swahili Semantics, and Swahili Lexicography. Dr Charwi’s Research interest/ Consultancy and Area of specialization is Bantu Linguistics; more specific: Bantu Morphosyntax, Swahili Morphology, Swahili Syntax, Swahili Semantics and Pragmatics
Assistant Researcher
Co-Principal Investigator
Medicinal Plants (Grant Total: Euro 4,214,52)
1. Mary Zacharia Charwi, Neema Gideon Mogha, Joseph Koni Muluwa & Koen Bostoen (2023): Indigenous Knowledge and Use of Medicinal Plants Among the Kuria Communities in the Tarime and Serengeti Districts of Mara Region, Tanzania, Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, DOI: 10.1080/10496475.2022.2163734
2. Charwi, M. Z. (2021). Chanzo cha Tofauti za Kileksika na Maana zake Tanzania Bara na Visiwani na Athari zake kwa Watumiaji wa Lugha ya Kiswahili. MULIKA. Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam. Vol. 40(2) Uk. 42-59.
3. Charwi, M. Z. (2021). Language and Culture as Tools of Gender Inequality among the Kuria. Journal of University of Namibia Language Centre. Volume 6, No. 1, pp. 24-35. 2021 (ISSN 2026-8297)
4. Charwi, M. Z. (2019). Viambishi Nafsi katika Muundo wa Kitenzi cha Kikuria (E43). University of Dar es Salaam, UTAFITI; 14(12): 2 339-352.
5. Charwi, M. Z. (2019). “A Semantic Analysis of Personal Names in Datooga Society,” ETHNOLOGIA ACTUALIS, Vol. 19, pp. 90-105.
6. Charwi, M. Z. (2019). The Argument and Argument Structure in Kuria Sborník z 16. mezinárodního setkání mladých lingvistů, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Vol. 16 pp. 115 – 128.
7. Charwi, M. Z. (2017). Morphosyntactic and Semantic Aspects of Verb Extension Systems in Bantu Languages: A Case Study of Kuria (E43) in Tanzania. Bayreuth: University of Bayreuth.
8. Charwi M.Z. (2013). Unyambulishaji wa Vitenzi vya Kikuria na Athari zake Kisintaksia, KIOO CHA LUGHA JOURNAL, Vol. 11: 58-77.
9. Charwi M.Z. (2012). Vowel Harmony in Kuria, Journal of Education, Humanities and Sciences (JEHS), Volume 1, No. 2, 2012: 105-114
10. Zacharia, M. (2011). Verb Extensions in Kuria Language: Co-occurrence and Ordering Restrictions. (Unpublished Master's Dissertation), University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.