
Dear all

As you are aware, yesterday 25.06.2024 we had our 3rd annual career day for UDSoL students. This is the last event for this triennium. As some of you witnessed, the event was, by and large, successful. We wish to register our sincere thanks to the following groups and persons.


1. The Organizing committee led by Dr. Florensia Kimario and assisted by our administrative staff and UDLS leaders. They did a wonderful job. This included soliciting and following up on the pledges by our sponsors and overseeing all the logistical arrangements. Thank you very much Dr. Kimario for this organization - third in a row now. I also thank Dr. Temu, Dr. Nicksoni etc who has specific role to MC and moderate sessions yesterday. Dr. Mussa for the interesting (as usual) vote of thanks.

2. Our sponsor law firms - nine in total. We thank all of them for sponsoring, attending and speaking during the event.

3. The Guest Speaker, Hon. Dr. Fauz Twaib. He gave us a very inspiring story of 'Ramadhani' and all its 'morals'. In addition, he donated a copy of his book to the School, namely Twaib and Kinywafu, THE LAW OF EVIDENCE IN TANZANIA: A CASE DIGEST, 2023, Iuris Publishers, Dar es Salaam. This copy will be placed in the staff library  for or reference. He also pledged awards for 2 best 4th Year students (male and female) for the next 3 years (awards from President of EALS and from himself).

4. We thank members of staff who attended the event (led by Prof Majamba as the most senior member). In this category, I thank those who could not attend due to various commitments but registered their apologies.  These are Profs. Fimbo,Rutinwa  Luoga, Kamanga, and Drs. Shayo, Mandi and Protas.

5. In a special way, we also thank those who did not attend for reasons not communicated to me. What I am sure of, though, is that we were all invited and encouraged to attend. I believe they, in a way they, also supported the initiative.

6. We thank the DVC Academic for cancelling classes for UDSoL students so that they (students) and teachers could attend the event. He also sent his representative (DUS) who made wonderful comments

6. Last but not least, we thank Dr. Laurean Mussa, who promised that from next year's event, he will give monetary awards (during Career Day)  to ALL students who score 'A' (70 marks and above) in Land Law 1 and Land Law 2.


As we conclude this triennium, it is my hope that the forthcoming triennium will probably continue with the UDSoL Career Day, which has already been embraced by students.


I wish you well.


S.F. Materu (Dr. juris).