Esther Mlingwa
Esther Mlingwa joined the School in 2014. She is an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Economic
Law. She holds an LL.B. (UDSM- 2014); LL.M (University of Western Cape) and a Postgraduate
Diploma in Law (Law School of Tanzania). She is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Dar-es-
Salaam. Ms. Mlingwa is also an Advocate of the High Court of Tanzania since 2018, a member of the
Tanganyika Law Society, East Africa Law Society, Tanzania Women Lawyers Association and the
International Humanitarian Studies Association. Her areas of interest include human rights, wildlife,
environment and international law. She is also a researcher at the University of Dar es Salaam Research
Chair on Forced Displacement.
Her contact:,
Select Publications
Mlingwa, E., 2014, Challenges of International Law in Solving Territorial Disputes: A Case Study of the
Tanzania Malawi Boundary Conflict, LL. B Dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam [Unpublished].
Mlingwa, E., 2015, The Economic Criminality of Politically Exposed Persons: A Case Study on
Tanzania, LL.M Dissertation, University of the Western Cape [Unpublished].
Fimbo, G.M., & Mlingwa, E., 2019, “Areas of Engagement between the Parliament and the CAG,” in
Fimbo, G. M., & Ngaiza, C., The Office CAG in Tanzania. DUP: Dar es Salaam.
Mlingwa, E., 2021, Human Rights Law: A Teaching Manual for Certificate in Law. DUP: Dar es Salaam.
Majamba, H.I & Mlingwa, E., 2023, “Legal Research Compendium,” Dar es Salaam: DUP.
Majamba, H.I & Mlingwa, E., 2023, “Environmental Compendium,” Dar es Salaam: DUP.